Nordic Day 2015: Children and young people can´t wait

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Nordic Day 2015: Children and young people can´t wait

Nordic Day 2015 is arranged as a pre-event to the 23rd European Social Services Conference and takes place on Sunday, 5 July, 2015 in Lisbon. This year´s theme is focused on vulnerable children and young people. We introduce two projects, “Youth I Nordic Countries – mental health, employment and education” and “Children in Nordic Countries – Focus on Children in Foster Care”.
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Judit Hadnagy

Presskontakt Kommunikationschef +46 70 605 5681

Joakim K E Johansson

Presskontakt Kommunikationsrådgivare/Communications Adviser +46 (0)733 13 30 26

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Nordic Day 2015: Children and young people can´t wait

Nordic Day 2015 is arranged as a pre-event to the 23rd European Social Services Conference and takes place on Sunday, 5 July, 2015 in Lisbon. This year´s theme is focused on vulnerable children and young people. We introduce two projects, “Youth I Nordic Countries – mental health, employment and education” and “Children in Nordic Countries – Focus on Children in Foster Care”.