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State of the Nordic Region 2022 is looking at the impact of Covid 19  cross boarding and labour
State of the Nordic Region 2022 is looking at the impact of Covid 19 cross boarding and labour

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Closed borders and cross-border labour – How do they co-exist?

Welcome to an event arranged by Nordic Council of ministers and Nordregio, it is about crossborders and cross - border labour. 

458,000 citizens – 1.7% of the Nordic population – live in a different Nordic country to the one in which they were born. This event will look at how the pandemic affected them in terms of cross-border working and mobility – and how Nordic collaboration can be improved. This is a key topic in the 2022 edition of Nordregio’s State of the Nordic Region Report, which is being launched on Nordic Day, 23 March.

WHEN - 23.3.2022 on the Nordic Day -  at 10 - 10.45 am

Foajé 3, Kulturhuset, Stockholm – entrance from Sergels torg

Please, send us a confirmation of joining us at Kulturhuset: https://nmrnr.wufoo.com/forms/m13d1uij0kfi2o0/

If you want to join us online, please use this one, the link will be available on 23rd of March:  https://nordregio.org/events/snr2022/

Anna Hallberg, Minister for Nordic Cooperation will open the event, followed by Senior Research Fellow Anna Lundgren, Nordregio, co-author of the report. How did Covid-19 affect the Nordic countries when it comes to life expectancy, economy, labour market, and migration patterns? What were the main differences in responses and outcomes? These are some of the questions that have been investigated. At this launch event, we will zoom in on the issue of Nordic labour mobility during the pandemic and how employees, students, businesses, and cross-border regions were affected by the extended period of restrictions and border closures.

The presentation will be followed by a panel discussion and Q&A session with the live audience. Our distinguished speakers will share their reflections on the new insights, take a closer look at how integrated the Nordic labour markets really are, and discuss the steps necessary to become the most integrated Region in the world by 2030.

Anna Hallberg (S), Minister for Nordic Cooperation

Anna Lundgren, Senior Research Fellow, Nordregio

Magnus Ek (C), Member of Parliament, Chair of the Nordic Council Sustainability Committee

Johan Strang, Associate Professor, Centre for Nordic Studies, University of Helsinki

Lisa Pelling, columnist and Head of Arena Idé think tank


- about the report and the launch, Johanna Feuk Westhoff: johanna.feuk@nordregio.org

-about the event and media, Åsa Hildestrand: asa.hildestrand@nordregio.org

-about crossbording and nordic cooperation, Anna Sophie Liebst: anna.sophie.liebst@nordregio.org 

There will be breakfest served at he event. And an opportunity for questions from the press after the event. 

Warmly welcome!

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Norden i Fokus är en del av Nordiska ministerrådets kommunikation i Sverige. Vi arbetar för att öka intresset för och kunskapen om Norden och det officiella nordiska samarbetet. Vi uppmärksammar aktuella nordiska frågor inom tex. politik, näringsliv, miljö, samhälle och kultur. Vi vänder oss i första hand till tjänstemän, politiker, journalister och intresseorganisationer


Matts Lindqvist

Matts Lindqvist

Presskontakt Kommunikationsrådgivare Sverige +46 73 855 3355 Nordiska ministerrådet

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Norden i Fokus är en del av Nordiska ministerrådets kommunikation i Sverige. Vi ger den nationella debatten en nordisk vinkel.

Norden i Fokus är en del av nordiska ministerrådets kommunikation i Sverige. Vi ger den nationella debatten en nordisk vinkel. Vi arrangerar seminarier och debatter om aktuella ämnen inom politik, miljö, näringsliv och kultur. Vi vänder oss till tjänstemän, politiker, journalister, intresseorganisationer och allmänheten.

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111 49 Stockholm