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The Nordic Day is on 23rd of March and State of the Nordic Region 22 is launched at the same day!
The Nordic Day is on 23rd of March and State of the Nordic Region 22 is launched at the same day!

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Celebrate the official Nordic Day with us and get more information about the Nordic Region!

The Nordic Day is celebrated on 23rd of March every year because of the Treaty of Co-operation between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden (the Helsinki Treaty).  This Treaty was signed on 23 March 1962 and entered into force on 1 July 1962.
On Wednesday,  we celebrate the Nordic Day in all the Nordic capitals with launching State of the Nordic Region 22 and several events.

In Stockholm we will talk about: 

Closed borders and cross-border labour – How do they co-exist?


23 March at 10–11:00 (CET)

Breakfast will be served from 09:30


Foajé 3, Kulturhuset, Stockholm – entrance from Sergels torg


458,000 citizens – 1.7% of the Nordic population – live in a different Nordic country to the one in which they were born. This event will look at how the pandemic affected them in terms of cross-border working and mobility – and how Nordic collaboration can be improved. This is a key topic in the 2022 edition of Nordregio’s State of the Nordic Region Report. 


Anna Hallberg (S), Minister for Nordic Cooperation

Anna Lundgren, Senior Research Fellow, Nordregio

Magnus Ek (C), Member of Parliament, Chair of the Nordic Council Sustainability Committee

Johan Strang, Associate Professor, Centre for Nordic Studies, University of Helsinki


Lisa Pelling, columnist and Head of Arena Idé think tank


REGISTRATION: https://nmrnr.wufoo.com/forms/m13d1uij0kfi2o0/

If you prefer to join us online, you don’t need to register. Link will be available on 23 March at https://nordregio.org/events/snr2022/


Nordregio, InfoNorden and Nordic Council of Ministers

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Norden i Fokus är en del av Nordiska ministerrådets kommunikation i Sverige. Vi arbetar för att öka intresset för och kunskapen om Norden och det officiella nordiska samarbetet. Vi uppmärksammar aktuella nordiska frågor inom tex. politik, näringsliv, miljö, samhälle och kultur. Vi vänder oss i första hand till tjänstemän, politiker, journalister och intresseorganisationer


Matts Lindqvist

Matts Lindqvist

Presskontakt Kommunikationsrådgivare Sverige +46 73 855 3355 Nordiska ministerrådet

Relaterat innehåll

Norden i Fokus är en del av Nordiska ministerrådets kommunikation i Sverige. Vi ger den nationella debatten en nordisk vinkel.

Norden i Fokus är en del av nordiska ministerrådets kommunikation i Sverige. Vi ger den nationella debatten en nordisk vinkel. Vi arrangerar seminarier och debatter om aktuella ämnen inom politik, miljö, näringsliv och kultur. Vi vänder oss till tjänstemän, politiker, journalister, intresseorganisationer och allmänheten.

Nordiska ministerrådet

Holmamiralensväg 10
111 49 Stockholm