Pressmeddelande -

NOLabs AB achieves break-through in fight against MRSA-bacteria

NOLabs AB, the Swedish medtech company developing innovative nitric oxide-containing medical devices based on the NitroSense® Technology, today reported that it has achieved another important milestone in the development of a new line of products for wounds infected by MRSA-bacteria. MRSA stands for Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, a bacterium that is particularly troublesome in hospital-acquired infections due to its resistance to several traditional antibiotics.

In experiments performed at the Malmoe University Hospital in Sweden, researchers showed that NOLabs' technology has a promising ability to kill a wide range of pathogens, including MRSA.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 126,000 hospitalizations are related to MRSA and 19,000 deaths are associated with serious MRSA infections every year in U.S. hospitals. Patients at risk for infection with MRSA include those with severe disease, recent surgery or indwelling medical devices, such as urinary catheters.

Göran Beijer, CEO of NOLabs says: "The recent results show that we are on the right track towards products with an enormous potential globally. The anti-microbial effect of NO will be key in several products that will prevent and/or treat infection depending on dosing. We are now accelerating our development program and expect to have the first products on the market during 2008."

NOLabs' NitroSense® Technology assures controlled, local delivery of pure nitric oxide in a well-defined concentration range during a well-defined time period. The main areas are prevention of catheter related urinary tract infections, relief of neuropathic pain and wound care products with an anti-bacterial effect.

Göran Beijer
Phone: +46 42 33 65 22

Susanne Göransson


Phone: +46 42 33 65 30


  • Ekonomi, finans


  • göran beijer
  • nolabs
  • diabetics
  • finance
  • jörgen midander
  • kväveoxid


Göran Beijer

President & CEO President & CEO +46 42 33 65 30

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