Nexer tecknar avtal med Riksantikvarieämbetet
Nexer och Riksantikvarieämbetet tecknar nytt avtal för förvaltning och utveckling av dokument- och ärendehanteringssystemet Platina by Formpipe.
Nexer och Riksantikvarieämbetet tecknar nytt avtal för förvaltning och utveckling av dokument- och ärendehanteringssystemet Platina by Formpipe.
Nexer is a tech company deeply rooted in the Swedish heritage of entrepreneurship and innovation, with a global presence and delivery. Nexer has kept customers one step ahead for over 30 years, with cutting-edge services in strategy, technology and communication. Today, some of the largest, most demanding companies in the world rely on Nexer's dedication and expertise within digitalisation, IT, engineering and R&D.
The company has long-term partnerships with market-leading platform providers such as Microsoft, IBM, Stibo and others.
Nexer has 2500 experts in 15 countries. The company is a part of the Danir group, a Swedish privately held company with 12,000 employees in 18 countries.