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Lars Kry, VD Nexer Group

9 av 10 svenskar vill bidra till totalförsvaret genom teknisk utrustning

En omfattande Kantar Sifo-undersökning riktad till svenska folket visar att en överväldigande majoritet, närmare bestämt 86 procent, är beredda att bidra till totalförsvaret genom att upplåta personlig teknisk utrustning såsom drönare och övervakningsapparater.

Promising future

Nexer is a tech company deeply rooted in the Swedish heritage of entrepreneurship and innovation, with a global presence and delivery. Nexer has kept customers one step ahead for over 30 years, with cutting-edge services in strategy, technology and communication. Today, some of the largest, most demanding companies in the world rely on Nexer's dedication and expertise within digitalisation, IT, engineering and R&D.
The company has long-term partnerships with market-leading platform providers such as Microsoft, IBM, Stibo and others.

Nexer has 2500 experts in 15 countries. The company is a part of the Danir group, a Swedish privately held company with 12,000 employees in 18 countries.

Nexer Group

Lindholmspiren 9
41756 Göteborg

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