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Mycorena Partners With Leading European Companies to Commercially Launch Fungi-Stabilised Fat Mycolein

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Mycorena Partners With Leading European Companies to Commercially Launch Fungi-Stabilised Fat Mycolein

Mycorena's clean-label fat, first announced in 2021, is now commercially available under the brand Mycolein. The pioneering fat solution was developed through significant research and product development trials by the Swedish FoodTech company, offering a healthier and more sustainable alternative to traditional fats.

In late 2021, Mycorena achieved a significant breakthrough by developing the first-ever fungi-stabilised fat solution mimicking animal fat's behaviour and sensory qualities. The fat ingredient was initially validated as a superior alternative to plant-based fats, as it enhances plant-based food products' taste and structural properties.

Since the initial announcement, Mycorena has collaborated with multiple European plant-based companies to improve the recipe further. As a result, the company is now ready to launch the product commercially under the new brand name Mycolein, which will be a new addition to its existing mycoprotein brand, Promyc.

Mycorena's flagship product Promyc is currently available in food products across multiple European countries in collaborative partnerships with leading plant-based food companies. With the addition of Mycolein, Mycorena aims to offer a broader range of sustainable food solutions and further contribute to the growing demand for healthier alternatives in the food industry.

-Recognising the challenges faced by our partner food companies in sourcing a stable fat ingredient, in 2021, we launched the first fungi-stabilised fat as a prototype product. At that time, we were still determining the product's scalability, as has been the case with many comparable products launched in the market. And now, after nearly 1.5 years of development, we have successfully created a full-scale process for producing the product and are fully prepared to launch it commercially, says Ramkumar Nair, Founder & CEO of Mycorena.

The Mycorena team has dedicated several months to product development trials and tasting sessions with numerous plant-based companies to validate and stabilise the Mycolein fat ingredient in various food applications. For example, Slovenian Juicy Marbles produces plant-based filet mignon and has successfully created marbled products using Mycolein.

The fat has also been tested by Dalco Foods, a Dutch company within the Hilton Food Group, specialising in manufacturing vegetarian and vegan products; Finnish companies Meeat Food Tech Oy, behind the plant-based brand Muu, and Rebl Eats, behind the next-generation convenience foods. This collaborative effort has resulted in an improved and more versatile product ready to be launched on a full commercial scale. As a result, Mycorena now plans to launch Mycolein with its partners, reflecting its commitment to sustainability and innovation in the food industry.

-We are incredibly grateful to our partner companies who have supported us with extensive verification and product development trials. It is satisfying to hear that the addition of Mycolein has elevated their products' palatability and sensory offerings, Ramkumar continues.

Mycolein, as a mycoprotein-stabilised fat solution, offers unparalleled benefits to the food industry. Its versatile nature allows it to enhance the juiciness and flavour of any food product, including plant-based and alternative protein and meat products, with superior qualities similar to animal fat or as a healthier fat in meat products.

Compared to animal and vegetable fats, Mycolein has a better nutritional profile and delivers the same or even better organoleptic results, making it a healthier and more desirable option. It also improves the Nutri-score rating of both animal-based and plant-based products.

Mycolein is a source of fibre, with more than 40% fat reduction compared to other fats. Moreover, it contains little saturated fat, 85% less than coconut fat, making it a healthier, low-fat option to conventional fat products. In addition, Mycorena's fat solution is a clean-label product containing only natural ingredients, which sets it apart from other options on the market.

- Our fat solution stabilises emulsions, locks in all of the product's flavours, and maintains its juiciness during cooking. Compared to conventional vegetable fats, our solution is healthier. In addition, the tailored recipe of our solution allows for the introduction of additional flavours and fortification, such as Omega 3, says Joan Lluch Casarramona, Food Specialist at Mycorena.

One of the unique benefits of using fungi-stabilised fat solutions is that they help to stabilise emulsions, resulting in a melting behaviour similar to animal fat. Mycorena's patent-pending emulsifying technology entraps the fat, mimicking animal fat cells and creating marbled products nearly identical to meat. Then, when cooked, the fat is gradually released, melting like animal fat, which encapsulates and enhances the flavour of the food.

The use of mycelium biomass for this purpose opens up a world of innovation that has the potential to revolutionise the food industry. Mycorena's expertise and unique technology have enabled the development of this functional fat ingredient, which can be used as an emulsion stabiliser for various products across multiple industries.

- The potential applications of this technology are limitless. While we initially focused on enhancing food products through fat solutions, this is only the beginning. Our ultimate goal is to leverage this technology to unlock new, sustainable solutions for food manufacturing, says Sandra Zachrisson, Head of Product Innovation at Mycorena.

The next phase for the company involves scaling up production of the fat solution, conducting customer validations at a larger scale, and preparing for full-scale manufacturing to bring the product to market.

Are you interested in using Mycolein to enhance your products?
Contact Mycolein@mycorena.com

About Mycorena
Mycorena, founded in 2017, has quickly established itself as one of the fastest-growing companies in the food industry and is widely recognised as one of the leading FoodTech start-ups in Europe. The company is on a mission to revolutionise the food industry by developing innovative fungi technology to provide next-generation food ingredients. Their flagship product Promyc is a proprietary mycoprotein ingredient with exceptional qualities that set it apart from other protein sources.

Press: emma.knutsson@mycorena.com
Website: www.mycorena.com
Socials: @mycorena_ab




Mycorena is a food tech startup that produces a sustainable, vegan and high-quality mycoprotein. Based in Gothenburg, they manufacture their product, Promyc, which enables large-scale production of high-quality and sustainable food.


Ebba Fröling

Ebba Fröling

Presskontakt COO +46 (0)70 380 90 49

Nästa generations Mycoprotein

Mycorena utvecklar Promyc, nästa generations hållbara proteinkälla, genom en innovativ fermenteringsprocess. Med sin tilltalande smak, överlägsna näringsprofil och minimala klimatpåverkan står Promyc i förgrunden för global livsmedelsinnovation, och kommer revolutionera hur vi konsumerar protein i framtiden.

Mycorena AB

Gamlestadsvägen 2
415 02 Göteborg