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Christmas greetings were sent by Trainy McTrainface to cousins Boaty McBoatface and FerryMcFerryface.
Christmas greetings were sent by Trainy McTrainface to cousins Boaty McBoatface and FerryMcFerryface.

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A Christmas greeting from Trainy McTrainface to its cousins Ferry McFerryface and Boaty McBoatface

Christmas is just around the corner and all over the world, greeting cards send holiday wishes to all near and dear. This year, Trainy McTrainface, whose inauguration grabbed international media attention far and wide, is getting into the Christmas spirit by sending Christmas greetings to its cousins abroad.

Snow falls in Stockholm and Gothenburg, Christmas lights bright up the cities. Everyone at MTR Express headquarters is feeling the holiday spirit, especially Trainy McTrainface, who this week, sat down and handwrote thoughtful Christmas greetings to its cousins Boaty McBoatface in England and Ferry McFerryface all the way south in Australia.

“The fact that our inauguration ceremonies have attracted so much attention is, of course, fantastic and even a little surprising. So far we have, named Ingvar (Oldsberg), Glenn (Hysén, Strömberg, Holm and Chiller) with great success. But Trainy McTrainface has garnered the most interest and attention from globally recognized media such as The Guardian, ABC News, and CNN”, says Peder Osterkamp, Trainy’s godfather and the Chief Commercial Officer of MTR Express.

Boaty is an unmanned submarine at the British Antarctic Survey and Ferry’s day job is a passenger ferry in Sydney. Trainy, in its Christmas greeting, took the opportunity to ask about its cousins’ daily life: whether Boaty has seen polar bears and if it was true that Ferry could not build a snowman at Christmas time because it was summer time in Australia. Now all of us at MTR Express, excitingly await answers from the cousins, but no one is as excited as our Trainy McTrainface which braves the snowy tracks between Stockholm and Gothenburg every day, bringing cheery travelers to their loved ones.

In their constant pursuit of creating a better and more personal connection to train travelers, MTR Express decided last spring to rename the red high-speed train on the Stockholm-Gothenburg route. In order to engage the passengers and general public, a competition/poll was organized in which passengers were able to both vote for names as well as come up with name suggestions.

The clear, but slightly surprising, winner was the fantastic name Trainy McTrainface. The train was inaugurated on October 17, 2017 with pomp and circumstance at the Gothenburg Central Station. The huge crowd at the inauguration were a mix of bystanders, local, and international journalists. The godfather became none other than Peder Osterkamp – commercial director of MTR Express.




MTR-koncernen, med bas i Hongkong, är ett av världens ledande företag inom spårbunden kollektivtrafik och infrastruktur. MTR har verksamhet i Asien, Australien och Europa. Koncernen omsatte 2015 ca 47 miljarder SEK (41,7 miljarder HKD) med ett resultat efter skatt på ca 12 miljarder SEK (10,9 miljarder HKD). Sedan november 2009 ansvarar MTR för drift och underhåll av Stockholms tunnelbana på uppdrag av SL. Från och med december 2016 drivs även Stockholms pendeltåg av MTR. Sedan mars 2015 kör MTR också snabbtågstrafik mellan Göteborg och Stockholm under varumärket MTR Express. MTR Express erbjuder de dokumenterat punktligaste snabbtågen på sträckan och en genomsnittlig kundnöjdhet på drygt 90 procent.


Maria Hofberg

Maria Hofberg

Presskontakt CCO

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