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NIU opens world’s first unmanned store for passenger vehicles – in Sweden

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NIU opens world’s first unmanned store for passenger vehicles – in Sweden

For the first time, a store is opening that offers testing and ordering of passenger vehicles, without any kind of human assistance. NIU, leading provider of smart electric vehicles, together with security and technology experts Securified Access by Corepart and HonestBox, have built an unmanned showroom in Stockholm, Sweden. Thanks to innovative instore solutions, consumer availability and user experience is increased through longer opening hours with a smooth purchasing experience.

The NIU store in Stockholm will be the first completely unmanned store in the world to have mopeds and motorcycles for the public to test and buy. Electronic bank identification is required to enter the store, and information about the products is provided to customers by scanning QR codes.

“The next step in the automotive industry is to support online trade with physical locations where you can simply and safely test products before ordering them. We are very proud to be the first to try out this concept and lead the industry into a new era”, says Peder Askerlund, NIU sales manager.

The store is open every day between 8am and 8pm. Safety is ensured by an AI-based camera and sound system which sends out a warning if an unidentified person enters the store and sends out an alarm should someone fall or scream.

“Unmanned stores are the future. They create opportunities for both larger and smaller companies to have premises to showcase their products, without needing any storage or staff on site. This will make it easier to have venues in central locations, which can be a way to stop the disappearance of stores in both small and large cities”, says Magnus Berglund, partner at HonestBox.

NIU's unmanned store will be tested throughout 2023. Should the concept prove itself successful, the plan is to open further locations within Sweden, where conventional stores or showrooms have not been profitable due to personnel costs and seasonal variations.

How it works

The showroom works thanks to technical solutions provided by Securified Access by Coreparts and HonestBox. To enter the showroom, visitors identify themselves with Bank ID. Once inside, they are welcomed by an audio recording explaining how the showroom works, how to shop, and provides information about the products. By simply scanning the QR code displayed on a specific product, customers are brought to the website where they can read more information about is as well as place an order.

About NIU and MOVS Technology Group

NIU is the world’s leading provider of smart electric vehicles. NIU has an efficient portfolio with three different product categories to offer something to each segment of modern city dwellers. The products are uniformly designed with a strong focus on style, freedom and technology. The agency for NIU is owned in Sweden by MOVS Technology Group, which is the market leader in electric scooters, as well as a leading retailer of e-bikes in Sweden.

About HonestBox

With experience in unmanned commerce since 2015, and with 550 stores in six markets today, Honestbox is the market leader in both completely unmanned stores and hybrid variants. HonestBox has an in-house developed platform that consists of checkout, passage and security systems, fully integrated with each other.

Om Securified Access by Corepart

Securified Access by Corepart offers a complete security solution for businesses, without any intermediaries. The company provides services in camera surveillance, access systems, fire protection and alarms. Through your personal contact person, you get help with both ordering, delivery, installation and support. All solutions are specially developed for the highest possible security.


MOVS är en del av MOVS Technology Group som har varit branschledande inom försäljning av personliga miljövänliga transportmedel sedan 2005. MOVS Technology Group är idag marknadsledande på elmopeder, samt ledande återförsäljaren av elcyklar i Sverige. Företaget har utvecklat flera marknadsledande varumärken i Sverige: Baotian, Vässla, Drax, Niu och Lifebike. Mobility-as-a-Service-tjänsten MOVS är en abonnemangstjänst för långtidsuthyrning av cyklar, samt lätta elfordon som elcyklar och elmopeder.


Mikael Klingberg

Mikael Klingberg

Presskontakt vd


MOVS är en del av MOVS Technology Group som har varit branschledande inom försäljning av personliga miljövänliga transportmedel sedan 2005. MOVS Technology Group är idag marknadsledande på elmopeder, samt ledande återförsäljaren av elcyklar i Sverige. Företaget har utvecklat flera marknadsledande varumärken i Sverige: Baotian, Vässla, Drax, Niu och Lifebike. Mobility-as-a-Service-tjänsten MOVS är en abonnemangstjänst för långtidsuthyrning av cyklar, samt lätta elfordon som elcyklar och elmopeder.


112 43 Stockholm