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USA-samarbete för snabbt bredband i flerfamiljshus och småhusområden

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USA-samarbete för snabbt bredband i flerfamiljshus och småhusområden

Samarbetet har sitt ursprung i lösningen av ett typiskt amerikanskt problem. I stora villor som anslutits till fibernätet, kunde man inte distribuera signalen till alla rum med WiFi-teknik. Operatören Verizon gav Motorola uppdraget att lösa problemet. Lösningen blev att använda ett outnyttjat frekvensområde i fastighetens existerande koaxialkabelnät för att distribuera bredbandssignalen, något som också blev en industristandard – Multimedia over Coax Access (MoCA).

Entropic, som är den ledande chiptillverkaren för MoCA-teknik, har nu valt InCoax som samarbetspartner för att lyfta teknologin till användning i flerfamiljshus och småhusområden.

– Vi har, sedan flera år, använt MoCA-teknologin för snabb bredbands-access på ett nytt sätt, säger Helge Tiainen, marknadschef och en av grundarna till InCoax. I ett flerfamiljshus måste varje lägenhet ha en separat kommunikationskanal för att på ett säkert sätt få tillgång till snabbt bredband, säger han.

– Vår teknik ger fastighetsägare och operatörer ett enkelt sätt att använda existerande infrastruktur – fastighetens kabel-tv-nät – för snabb bredbands-access. Efterfrågan på snabbt bredband ökar starkt med nya tjänster som IPTV i HD och Voddler. En burk i källaren och ett hemmamodem ger varje boende tillgång till 100 Mbit/s, utan nya kablar och direkt in i vardagsrummet. Fibernätens Gigabit-kapacitet fördelas mellan de boende, förklarar han.

Det är enkelheten som ger InCoax en konkurrensfördel. Att använda existerande infrastruktur i fastigheten, eller området, ger snabb installation till lägre pris. Det är också något som de boende drar fördel av, med InCoax kan priset för snabbt bredband halveras.

– Vi är naturligtvis stolta över att Entropic uppmärksammat vår teknologi. Den lyfter MoCA-tekniuken till en ny nivå och det är därför som Entropic valt oss som samarbetspartner, säger Helge Tiainen.

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incoax networks deploys Entropic Communications’ ethernet-over-coax solution to deliver high-speed BROADBAND access TO eurOpeAN MARKET

Entropic’s Ethernet over Coax Solution powers InCoax Networks’ Gigabit over Coax Access Platform

PARIS (BROADBAND WORLD FORUM – Stand M1), SAN DIEGO, October 26, 2010 — InCoax Networks, a leading provider of equipment for broadband access over existing in-building coaxial cables, and Entropic Communications, Inc. (Nasdaq: ENTR), a leading provider of silicon and software solutions that enable connected home entertainment, today announced that InCoax has brought to market a Gigabit over Coax Platform that uses Entropic’s Ethernet over Coax (EoC) solution. InCoax is enabling broadband service providers to cost-effectively bring high-performance connectivity to European broadband subscribers.

InCoax’ new Gigabit over Coax Platform is based on Entropic’s EoC technology to enable broadband access networks over in-building coax cables. The EoC technology is derived from Entropic’s highly successful and field proven MoCA® (Multimedia over Coax Alliance) silicon, which enables high performance home networks over coax wiring in the home. With this new platform, InCoax is able to offer its broadband operators high speed broadband access to deliver multimedia services over the existing cable infrastructure to multi-family homes and high-density multi-dwelling units (MDUs).  This is an attractive alternative to existing access technologies due to its high speed and its ability to deliver multi-media content throughout the home.

InCoax can meet broadband access requirements in areas where fiber optic networks do not reach the customer premise, and deliver scalable "last kilometer" connectivity for high-speed broadband access throughout Europe. InCoax’s Gigabit over Coax Access Platform consists of three products with a total capacity of up to 250 Mbps, 500 Mbps or 1000 Mbps serving different building sizes over the existing coaxial network, while delivering 100 Mbps throughput to each subscriber.  

“European broadband operators are requesting cost-effective means for delivering high-speed broadband connectivity to their customers where the fiber doesn’t quite reach the home and we understand their unique challenges and needs,” said Thomas Svensson, CEO of InCoax Networks. “By featuring Entropic’s EoC technology in our new platform we’re enabling our customers to serve the needs of their subscriber base for high speed Internet access and IPTV services by bringing fiber to the coax, eliminating the need for costly new cabling.”

 "InCoax is focused on delivering complete high-speed and innovative solutions to address the broadband access needs of the European market," said Vinay Gokhale, senior vice president marketing and business development for Entropic Communications. "With Entropic’s EoC technology, the InCoax Access solution solves this last kilometer connectivity problem and meets future challenges by deploying scalable, robust solutions.”

About Entropic’s EoC

Entropic’s Broadband Access solution leverages its highly successful and field-proven MoCA solutions. The Broadband Access solution uses similar technology for point to multipoint networks and is comprised of its EN3011 Access Network Controller and the EN3230 Access Client silicon. A single Broadband Access solution provides over 250 Mbps of raw data bandwidth yielding over 100 Mbps of application throughput and was designed as a low-cost, easy-to-deploy solution using the existing coaxial cable infrastructure already found in MDUs and single family housing (SFUs).

The system is scalable with a single network controller supporting up to 63 clients, with rate control available on a per client basis. By operating above the regular CATV signals and providing frequency agility between 800 MHz and 1500 MHz, additional network controllers can be added to support even more clients to the network. In addition, by delivering operator-class robustness and unmatched bandwidth over the longest reach, Entropic’s Broadband Access solution is the performance benchmark for delivering high bandwidth applications such as multiple streams of high definition (HD) video, premium broadband data access tiers, IPTV, and two-way interactive applications.

About InCoax Networks Europe AB

InCoax Networks AB is engineering the future of home access networking and provides next-generation 100+ Mbps products and software technologies to the world's leading telecom and broadband service providers. Since the Company is a worldwide pioneer in the MoCA-access area, many telecommunication and broadband operators around Europe already uses its innovative solutions for high-speed broadband access.

The Company’s technology uses existing in-building coaxial cables at frequencies above 862 MHz, thus transforming the way in which telecom and broadband operators can deliver high-speed Internet and high-definition (HD) IPTV to the entire home.

The InCoax Head Office is located in Sweden and the Company is driven by Sweden’s long tradition in the telecom industry. For more information, visit InCoax at www.incoax.com.

 About Entropic Communications

Entropic Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ:ENTR) is a leading fabless semiconductor company that is engineering the future of connected home networking and entertainment by providing next-generation silicon and software technologies to the world's leading cable, telco and satellite service providers, OEMs and consumer electronics manufacturers. As a co-founder of MoCA (Multimedia over Coax Alliance), Entropic pioneered and continues to evolve the way high-definition television-quality video and other multimedia and digital content such as movies, music, games and photos are brought into and delivered throughout the home. For more information, visit Entropic at www.entropic.com.

 Forward-Looking Statements

Statements in this press release that are not strictly historical in nature constitute "forward-looking statements." Such statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the expected benefits of Entropic's Ethernet over Coax solutions, Entropic's leadership in providing MoCA enabled technology, and continued or future integration of technology into products of OEMs. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause Entropic's actual results to be materially different from historical results or from any results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These factors include, but are not limited to, the effects of competition from alternative technologies; Entropic's dependence on a limited number of service providers and customers in Europe; the risk that the market for broadband access and EoC solutions in Europe may not develop as anticipated; risks associated with international operations and sales; the effect of intellectual property rights claims; and other factors discussed in the "Risk Factors" section of Entropic's Quarterly Report on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2010. All forward-looking statements are qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. Entropic is providing this information as of the date of this release and does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this release as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


InCoax Networks Contacts:


Helge Tiainen, Product Marketing Manager
+46-733 52 30 75


Entropic Communications Contacts:

Investor Contact:

Debra Hart
Director, Investor Relations

Media Contact:

Chris Fallon

Ruder Finn for Entropic Communications






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Ulrika Malmqvist

Ulrika Malmqvist

Presskontakt VD 070-750 22 56
Anna Utterberg

Anna Utterberg

Presskontakt Kommunikationsansvarig 073-981 73 25

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