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Among the Best Mobile Contents In the World

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Among the Best Mobile Contents In the World

Roadroid AB wins UN-based World Summit Award

Among the Best Mobile Contents In the World
Global contest selects most outstanding mobile apps and services in 2012. Sweden’s Roadroid is among this year’s 40 winners

Stockholm, 5 November 2012

Apps that guide patients with Alzheimer diseases or turn your neighbourhood into an augmented reality setting for mobile gaming are but a few examples of this year’s World Summit Award mobile (WSA-mobile) winners. On a biannual basis, the contest selects 40 of the most outstanding and useful apps from all over the world. This year, a product from Sweden stood the ground and made it among the 40 contest winners. Roadroid settled the race in the category mobile content.

ROADROID performs cost-efficient surveys of road condition with modern smart-phones. A condition value is sampled and positioned every second from an analyse of 100 vibrations in the car. Data is map matched and an internet user toolbox provides data to prioritize actions – and to follow up on the results! For developing countries it´s a unique opportunity, as infrastructure is an important factor for growth, healthcare, education and democracy. The use of Roadroid will encourage financers of roads as they can monitor the current situation and the progress visually by internet.

Micael Gustafsson, Managing Director at cluster 55°, was representing Sweden as a National Expert for WSA mobile jury, and motivates nominating Roadroid: Roadroid shows an innovative and globally scalable use of a smart-phone. It is unique and stands out which made it an obvious choice for the WSA mobile content category.

A World of mobile apps
This year’s 40 awardees demonstrate that in a world of six billion mobile connections, the future belongs to mobile apps. Due to the large number of nominating countries, most winners come from Europe (21). However, awardees from Asia (8), South America (4), North America (2) and the Arab countries (2) demonstrate that mobile innovation is a global phenomenon: "Our goal is to find apps that really make a difference for people around the globe", WSA-mobile Chairman Peter A. Bruck stated, while pointing at the UN agenda of the global award. He continued, "This year’s awardees demonstrate the richness and diversity of mobile apps. And they clearly show that there is a lot going on outside Europe and the USA. If we want to make use of mobile technology’s full potential, these trends must not be ignored."

Abu Dhabi – World Summit of mobile diversity
All the winners of this year’s contest will be invited to Abu Dhabi. From February 3rd to 5th 2013, WSA-mobile will host a global congress for mobile content, – turning Abu Dhabi into the center of the mobile world. The event that will be organized with WSA-mobile key partner ADSIC, that will offer a platform for the awardees to present their services and projects to potential partners and investors. Furthermore, an on sight jury will select the best of the five winning products in every one of the eight contest categories – the mobile champions 2013. WORLD SUMMIT AWARD MOBILE c/o ICNM – International Center for New Media Moosstrasse 43a | 5020 Salzburg | Austria +43-662-630408 | wsa-mobile@icnm.net www.wsa-mobile.org

About Roadroid
Roadroid is a Swedish invention to continuously monitor road condition with the built in accelerometer in modern smart phones. It is correlated with the International Roughness Index (IRI). The system is already introduced in several Swedish cities and on the state road network monthly "highway contractor reports" is currently deployed. Roadroid is being tested for condition measurements of the provincial roads in Sri-Lanka and in Cambodia with promising results. Other pilots starts on different places on the globe. One pilot is launched in Barcelona for demonstration at the Mobile World Congress in February 2013.

An important strength with Roadroid is - except from the extremely cost efficient data collection - a scalable index for road condition. It is a smart combination of percentage occurrence of 4 different road classes within an area. This holistic approach facilitates both to compare road condition geographically for a street, to a city or a whole country as well as monitoring of roughness development over time (Pat pending in US).

Data is monitored on the website www.roadroid.com and can be exported in preferred standard GIS-formats. The field trials during 2012 have concluded some 3 million samples of road quality from 15 different countries and have already a start on the foundation for a global road condition index according to the vision:

"ROADROID´s vision is to create an international standard that makes our roads better and more sustainable in a global perspective"

Roadroid has also won a Challenge in the European Satellite Navigation Contest and attending the Swedish Born Global program.

The 23 October 2012 Roadroid presented a paper at the World Congress of Intelligent Transportation Systems in Vienna. The system is developed by the inventor and road engineer Lars Forslöf together with Hans Jones (Android expert) and Tommy Niitula (Road database expert). Experts says that Roadroid is providing support road maintenance planning and performance control but also to gather research basis for development of various structures in an efficient manner and at a very reasonable price.

We look for global partners and for enquiries, please contact Mr. Lars Forslöf, lars.forslof@roadroid.se, +46 72 242 6620.

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Ulrika Malmqvist

Ulrika Malmqvist

Presskontakt VD 070-750 22 56
Anna Utterberg

Anna Utterberg

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