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Joby Joseph during Boost Chamber. Picture by Albin Bogren.
Joby Joseph during Boost Chamber. Picture by Albin Bogren.

Nyhet -

A low code platform for developing web amazingly fast – Objectide is the latest company to take part in our incubator program

Joby Joseph participated last fall in Movexums Boost Chamber, a 10-week program where entrepreneurs further develop and verify their business ideas with the support of our business coaches. Joby then applied and got accepted to the incubator program in which he now get to test our resources, services and capital to grow, scale and accelerate his business.

Objectide is a low code platform for developing web applications amazingly fast. The platform comes with essential building blocks to build most applications without writing code at the same time providing necessary tools to easily extend platform with code.

Give us a short brief of why companies should use your platform?

- Building simple websites are easy nowadays as there are several no-code website builders available in the market but developing data-centric web applications are still very expensive and time consuming due the ever-changing technology landscape and high dependency on specialists within multiple technology areas. Software as a Service (SaaS) could be an alternative, but they are not usually extendable or customizable to a desirable extent, requires integrations and packed with features with we don’t need, but we still must pay for. Why not build exactly what you want, with a unified user-experience, up-to 90% cheaper and 80% faster than traditional development approach?

Who are your customes and what are the benefits for them using Objectide?

- Anyone can use Objectide, but I our primary customer segments are start-ups who can’t afford to invest several millions in developing a web application and small/ medium size enterprises who usually don’t have a big IT department or has budget/time constraints. With Objectide, a fully functional web application can be launched in a few hours. The platform is very data-centric, which means the application revolves around information objects and their relationships. Any data that is currently managed in Excel can be a good candidate to be built as an application in Objectide platform. Login/ logout, basic user management and role-based access management comes out-of-the-box, and the drag-and-drop layout builder allows creation of interactive screens/ pages without writing a single line of code. Integrated marketplace promotes reuse across organizations by enabling sharing of reusable building blocks or “nano-SaaS” (the smallest form factor of SaaS/ out-of-the-box software for industry-specific use cases),.

Objectide is Jobys first venture. His ultimate goal with the company is to make the platform community-driven. In short term, the goal is to acquire more customers while continuously improving the platform to enable self-service application development. As of know and even-though the platform is Jobys core product, Objectide work with several customers developing their dream concept using the platform.

- We see it as a great way to improve the maturity of the platform and we do believe that we need real world use cases to organically improve the platform. Apart from the customer projects, we are actively recruiting people with strong customer focus a passion for software development. At this stage, the recruitment is limited to offshore (India), due to better availability of resources as well as economic reasons.

You worked on Objectide in our Boost Chamber-program - can you describe how you experienced the program and what it did for you on your work on Objectide?

- Yes, I participated in the Boost Chamber during fall 2021 and I must say that it was a great experience, and it is something that I strongly recommend to anyone who is in the early stage of validating a business idea. In my case, at times it felt like I should have been part of this earlier as the platform development had progressed a lot by the time, I finished the program. However, I surely learned and lot and as the saying goes.. “Better late than never”.

Can you tell us what motivates you when working with your startup?

- It is a blessing to be able to work with what you love. I knew, even before my first job that I would start a software company one day. I always enjoyed software development and pretty much every aspect of it since my college days and after working as a developer and an IT architect for several years, I thought.. “It is now or never”.

Is there anything in the journey so far that has surprised you, or has been tougher than you expected?

- Everything was tougher than expected but I can’t say that anything was particularly surprising.

Since Swedish isn´t your native language – is it your opinion that you need to understand any Swedish to participate in Boost Chamber or the incubator-program?

- I think it is ideal to be fluent in Swedish to take full advantage of the program. Business coaches as well as other Movexum staff are very supportive in translating when needed so it probably is a minor problem, but some of the co-participants may find it a bit challenging to interact or take part in discussions related your business idea and vice-versa.

Besides working and developing Objectide, can you tell us a little about yourself?

- I´m generally an introvert and someone who believes that anything is possible. I can easily be persuaded to explore something new, but nowadays I try to focus on only a handful of important things (as advised by my lovely wife). I love travel and nature (especially mountains), music and all kind of sports. I lead a very active lifestyle and am one of the rare Indian Snowboarders you can find in the Swedish mountains.

Joby Joseph

Age: 41

Family: Married with 2 daughters (8 & 12 years). Wife Chinchoo works at Sandvik Mining IT. Lives in Sandviken.

Previous experience/studies: Studied computer engineering from India, worked in Bangalore for 4 years, moved to Sweden in 2008 and worked for Sandvik until 2019.





Ulrika Malmqvist

Ulrika Malmqvist

Presskontakt VD 070-750 22 56
Anna Utterberg

Anna Utterberg

Presskontakt Kommunikationsansvarig 073-981 73 25

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