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Tokyo, April 23, 2009 - Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (President and CEO: Setsuhiro Shimomura) (TOKYO: 6503) announced today its Sixth Environmental Plan, indicating its action plans for the next three years in order to achieve Environmental Vision 2021, the long-term environmental management vision of the Mitsubishi Electric Group.

Since 1993, the Mitsubishi Electric Group has set environmental plans every three years, specifically indicating its mid-term action targets and roadmaps in order to strengthen the company's environmental management system. The Fifth Environmental Plan, implemented from April 2006 to March 2009, resulted in achievements such as reducing carbon dioxide emitted during production by 65 percent per unit of net sales compared to fiscal 1991, which ended March 1991. In addition, Mitsubishi Electric succeeded in reducing non-consolidated final disposal volume to 0.15 percent of total waste emissions, a figure much lower than the original target of 0.5 percent. The final disposal volume of the company's affiliates in Japan achieved its target of 1.0 percent of total waste emissions.

Other achievements of the Fifth Environmental Plan include strengthening the company's global environmental management system, as seen by assigning environmental managers to Europe and China, to promote environmental initiatives within the company. In the last three-year period, Mitsubishi Electric also began training environmental leaders overseas, an activity which was previously limited to employees in Japan.

On October 22, 2007, Mitsubishi Electric announced Environmental Vision 2021, a framework for the Mitsubishi Electric Group that defines long-term initiatives to realize a sustainable society. It sets 2021 as the target year, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the company's founding.

From the results of the Fifth Environmental Plan as well as environmental changes in society, Mitsubishi Electric has formulated its Sixth Environmental Plan based on the following items:

  • Targets and action plans regarding its environmental performance to achieve Environmental Vision 2021.
  • Responding to changes and demands in society regarding environmental issues.
  • Contributing to the realization of a sustainable society by expanding the company's environment-related businesses.

Principal Initiatives of the Sixth Environmental Plan and Main Targets for FY2012
 * Reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from production and use of products in order to tackle climate change
1) Reducing total carbon dioxide emissions from production.
The management indicators will be changed from the previous index of emissions per unit of net sales to total carbon dioxide emissions. By promoting improvements at production lines as well as making energy consumption visible and reducing the energy used at overseas production sites, the Mitsubishi Electric Group will aim to reduce consolidated carbon dioxide emissions by a total of 95,000 tons to 930,000 tons, which represents an 18-percent decrease from fiscal 1991.

The target for non-consolidated carbon dioxide emissions will be set at 510,000 tons, which means a reduction of 48,000 tons in the next three years and a 24-percent decrease from fiscal 1991, while overseas affiliates are expected to contribute by reducing 26,000 tons of carbon dioxide in the next three years.

Carbon dioxide emissions
Non-consolidated 510,000 tons
Affiliates in Japan 190,000 tons
Overseas affiliates 230,000 tons

Necessary reduction in the next three years
Non-consolidated 48,000 tons
Affiliates in Japan  21,000 tons
Overseas affiliates 26,000 tons

2) Reducing carbon dioxide emissions from use of products
To contribute to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from the use of products, Mitsubishi Electric has chosen 43 products from its wide product range and intends to reduce average carbon dioxide emissions from the use of these products by 25 percent compared to the fiscal year ended March 2001. Each of the 43 products is either expected to help reduce a large volume of greenhouse gas, or is expected to have its efficiency greatly improved at an early stage. In the near future, Mitsubishi Electric intends to expand the number of such products to 80.

* Promoting 3R activities and making products smaller to achieve a recycling-based society
1) Reduction in material input
Mitsubishi Electric has selected 32 products for which it will aim to reduce average material input by 18 percent compared to the fiscal year ended March 2001. In the near future, Mitsubishi Electric intends to expand the number of these products to 60.
The company also intends to begin operation of its large-scale plastic recycling factory in the fiscal year ending March 2010, and will apply its original high-purity, self-circulating recycling system to greatly reduce virgin material input in products.

2) Revised target for ratio of final disposal volume
For the fiscal year ending March 2012, Mitsubishi Electric has set the following targets for the ratio of final disposal volume: a non-consolidated ratio of less than 0.1 percent; less than 0.5 percent for affiliates in Japan; and less than 3.0 percent for overseas affiliates. The Mitsubishi Electric Group's target for final disposal volume by fiscal 2021 is to achieve less than 0.1 percent at each business site. The company will use materials efficiently by establishing and utilizing recycling systems in each area.

3) Reducing disposable packaging material (eco-logistics)
Per shipment volume compared to the fiscal year that ended March 2009, Mitsubishi Electric has set a non-consolidated target for fiscal 2012 calling for a 10-percent reduction of disposable packaging material, with affiliates in Japan also sharing the same target. Meanwhile, overseas affiliates will work to measure the amount of disposable packaging material and product shipment volume.

4) Reduction in volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions
In fiscal 2012, Mitsubishi Electric intends to reduce VOC emissions by 40 percent compared to that of fiscal 2001.

* Expanding environmental management globally to improve management standards
1) Increasing the number of affiliates that satisfy the ISO14001 standard
To improve environmental management standards across the entire group, Mitsubishi Electric will aim to increase the number of affiliates that satisfy the ISO14001 by fiscal 2012, with the number of such affiliates in Japan increasing from 63 to 97 and overseas affiliates expanding from 31 to 63.

2) Strictly complying with environmental standards
The Mitsubishi Electric Group will strictly comply with the European REACH, the China RoHS and other global environmental standards.

3) Expanding training of environmental leaders
Mitsubishi Electric also intends to expand training of environmental leaders overseas, including China and other Asian countries, Europe and North America. Previously, such activities were mostly limited to employees at factories in Japan.

* Expanding environment-related businesses (as announced on November 6, 2008)
1) Expanding environment-related businesses to tackle climate change
Mitsubishi Electric will contribute to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions by expanding its wide range of businesses related to tackling climate change, such as heat pumps, power devices, photovoltaic systems and other technologies. In the fiscal year ending March 2016, the company plans to achieve net sales of 1.3 trillion yen or more from environment-related businesses.

2) Reducing carbon dioxide emissions through power generation-related businesses 
By expanding its nuclear power generation and other power plant businesses, the company intends to help reduce carbon dioxide emitted during power generation by some 90 million tons in fiscal 2021.

* Fostering environmental awareness among employees
Mitsubishi Electric will further promote forest nurturing activities and Satoyama (woodland) preservation activities, with an aim to expand its activity field by one area or more per year. The company intends to increase 5 or more business sites per year that are involved in the "Mitsubishi Electric Outdoor Classroom," a forest nurturing activity held by the company for children in local communities, while, at the same time, training 50 employees per year to become leaders of these outdoor classrooms.

Contact information
Customer Inquiries
Corporate Environmental Sustainability Group
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Tel: +81-3-3218-9024

Media Contact
Public Relations Division
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Tel: +81-3-3218-3380


About Mitsubishi Electric
With over 80 years of experience in providing reliable, high-quality products to both corporate clients and general consumers all over the world, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (TOKYO: 6503) is a recognized world leader in the manufacture, marketing and sales of electrical and electronic equipment used in information processing and communications, space development and satellite communications, consumer electronics, industrial technology, energy, transportation and building equipment. The company recorded consolidated group sales of 4,049.8 billion yen (US$ 40.5 billion*) in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2008.
*At an exchange rate of 100 yen to the US dollar, the rate given by the Tokyo Foreign Exchange Market on March 31, 2008.


For more information visit http://global.mitsubishielectric.com




Anna Sjöström

Anna Sjöström

Presskontakt Head of Marketing

Välkommen till Mitsubishi Electric

Mitsubishi Electric är en ledande tillverkare/utvecklare av bland annat värmepumpar, luftkonditionering och olika typer av klimatprodukter.
Våra produkter är utvecklade och tillverkade i egen regi, vilket ger oss en unik möjlighet att ta ansvar för och garantera absolut bästa funktion och kvalitet hos alla våra produkter.

Med marknadens bredaste sortiment har vi på Mitsubishi Electric förbättrat världens inomhusklimat i över 100 år. Faktum är att vi inom luftkonditionering är ett av de ledande företagen i världen, med en försäljning på omkring 5 miljoner aggregat per år.

Mitsubishi Electric är ett av de teknikledande företagen när det gäller värmepumpar. Eftersom våra värmepumpar är egentillverkade har vi stor möjlighet att anpassa aggregaten till respektive marknad. Det innebär att alla våra värmepumpar är anpassade för just vårt nordiska klimat. Vi har ett av marknadens bredaste värmepumpsprogram med oändliga möjligheter för att tillgodose just ditt behov.

Våra Klimatprodukter riktar sig till företag och privatpersoner som söker efter smarta energibesparande system för uppvärmning, kylning eller annat inomhusklimat befrämjande system. De hjälper dig spara in på stora kostnader, samtidigt som du får ett behagligare inomhusklimat. Våra klimatprodukter är snälla mot miljön och bidrar till att minska koldioxidutsläppen.

Mitsubishi Electric

Hammarbacken 14
191 49 Sollentuna