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PeriZone™ PerioPatch®

What is PeriZone™ PerioPatch®?

PeriZone™ PerioPatch® is a unique patch that absorbs wound exudates and promotes natural healing by forming a protective seal over inflamed gingival and oral mucosa, applied directly over the affected area. PeriZone™ PerioPatch® adheres on contact and provides pain relief and natural healing with sustained protection from further irritation that may be caused by eating or drinking.

How does it work?

The patch contains acacia gum, an ingredient in contact with the oral mucosa keeps the patch safely remaining in place on the affected area. The PeriZone™ PerioPatch® absorbs wound exudates and effectively keeps out possible irritants that could aggravate the wound, so the patient can function with greater comfort. The physical barrier created by PeriZone™ PerioPatch® also protects oral mucosa from trauma caused by braces dentures or other intraoral appliances.

Who should use PeriZone™ PerioPatch®?

Patients with the following conditions can benefit from the protective aid of PeriZone™ PerioPatch®.

  • Irritated gums, wounds, injuries, and ulcerations of the gingival and oral mucosa.
  • Stomatitis, minor chafing, and traumatic ulcers.
  • Abrasions caused by braces and dentures.
  • Trauma associated with dental procedures.

More than one PeriZone™ PerioPatch® may be used at the same time, to protect multiple areas simultaneously.

How do you apply PeriZone™ PerioPatch®?

  1. Identify the affected or inflamed area
  2. Place the lighter side on the patch directly on the affected area.
  3. Relief from the symptoms should be experienced after application.

Recommended usage:

In clinical practice the most efficacious usage for standard cases was the application of 3 patches within the first 24 hours, followed by 2 additional days of maintenance usage.

What should patients expect?

Patients should expect to experience relief from the signs and symptoms associated with localized inflammation irritation, and surgical procedures.

When will it be available for sale?

During 2012 will the PeriZone™ PerioPatch® be available on the Nordic market.


  • Utbildning


  • protects oral mucosa from trauma caused by braces dentures or other intraoral appliances
  • absorbs wound exudates
  • relief from the symptoms
  • and traumatic ulcers
  • minor chafing
  • stomatitis
  • and ulcerations of the gingival and oral mucosa
  • injuries
  • wounds
  • irritated gums
  • trauma
  • mis sweden
  • mis
  • perizone
  • innovation
  • peri-implantitis
  • periodontics
  • periodontitis
  • periodontitis therapy


Ulf Isaksson

Sales Manager Produktfrågor +46 (0)732-30 52 62

Katarina Lundin

Presskontakt Office Manager +46 (0)732-30 52 63

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