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Men’s Handball World Championship 2011 in Malmö

Men’s Handball World Championship 2011, from group
playoff to final, in Malmö. This Championship is the largest
event in Scandinavia 2011, with 24 different nations represented.
The Championship takes place between 13 – 30 January 2011
and ends with the final, which will also be played at the Malmö Arena.

Malmö would like to give a warm welcome to Croatia and their team!
Croatia is a great handball nation and we look forward to hosting both
players and fans in Malmö.

The Danish team will play their first round in Malmö. Since Malmö is situated close to Denmark we hope that our Danish neighbours will feel right at home in Malmö and at the Malmö Arena. Sweden starts playing in Gothenburg. If everything goes well we hope to see Sweden continue the tournament and come and play in Malmö.

One of the aims of the Championship is to create a huge party that extends far beyond the arenas. Malmö will function as the centre of the celebration and the city will vibrate from the atmosphere that comes with a tournament of this size.
- We are thrilled to be hosting so many matches in Malmö, including one of the semi finals and the final. We will see a great deal of handball played at its best, starting right at the beginning with Croatia and of course Denmark, says a very pleased Per-Olov Bergqvist, Assistant Director, Recreation and Sport Administration.

A FanZone will be organised in the centre of Malmö, only 6 min by train away from the Malmö Arena, in order to help create a fantastic experience surrounding the World Championships. At the FanZone you will be able to watch every game on a big screen, eat, drink and of course joins others in pleasant surroundings.
- We have already started preparing for the handball experience at Fan Zone, Slagthuset in Malmö. With Denmark and Croatia playing at the Malmö Arena and with hopes  for success for the Swedish team, we can’t expect anything other than a wonderful party, before and after the games, says Petter Rörby, Project manager, Recreation and Sport Administration.

The other teams playing in Malmö are: Serbia, Romania, Algeria and Australia

For more information and pictures of Malmö: www.handball2011.com/malmo


Per-Olov Bergqvist, + 46 (0) 708 - 94 24 60 per-olov.bergqvist@malmo.se

Petter Rörby, + 46 (0) 709 - 61 92 36         petter.rorby@malmo.se







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