SWEDISH WINNERS - Viper Challenge 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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SWEDISH WINNERS - Viper Challenge 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

In a tough race at 21 km with 21 different obstacles including elements of jungle, mud, rock climbing and water, Stephen Stagliano Assur ran in as number one on time 1 hr, 53 min and 34 sec. This is a new record for the Viper Challenge where no contestant has finished the race within 2 hours before
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Stephan Hoffstrom

Presskontakt Marketing Manager Norden & Baltikum +46-8-249900

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SWEDISH WINNERS - Viper Challenge 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

In a tough race at 21 km with 21 different obstacles including elements of jungle, mud, rock climbing and water, Stephen Stagliano Assur ran in as number one on time 1 hr, 53 min and 34 sec. This is a new record for the Viper Challenge where no contestant has finished the race within 2 hours before