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Mackmyra Whisky sets up new partnership in Canada

Drinks company Roland and Russell will be selling and distributing Mackmyra’s whisky in Ontario, Canada.

Mackmyra Swedish Whisky is continuing its international initiative in North America and has now set up a partnership with the drinks company Roland and Russell in Toronto, enabling it to offer Swedish whisky in Ontario, Canada.

Roland and Russell is one of Ontario’s most dynamic alcoholic beverage importation agencies, working to develop brands and with a focus on high-quality products.

“In Roland and Russell, we’ve found a partner who shares our values and has the same focus on quality and a long-term approach as we have. We look forward to working with Roland and Russell so that we can offer our Swedish whisky to whisky-lovers and those who enjoy the good things in life in Eastern Canada too,” says Rikard Lundborg, founder and Vice President at Mackmyra.

“Roland and Russell is pleased to be a part of the continuing Mackmyra journey. The distillery that has delighted whisky connoisseurs in Europe will be coming to Ontario. We are happy to be part of this cooperative effort to build the Mackmyra brand and entice not just traditional whisky consumers, but a new generation that is looking for something smart, sophisticated and different,” says Liliana Pavicis at Roland and Russell.

Mackmyra’s whisky has been available in Western Canada since September 2010 and in New York, USA since April this year. The whisky was already available in more than ten countries in Europe. You can follow our international adventure on our blog at

For more information please contact:
Jonathan Luks, Country Manager USA and Canada,, +1 646 620 9954
Rikard Lundborg, Vice President Mackmyra,, +46 8 55 60 25 80
Lilliana Pavicis, Roland and Russel,, +1 416 801 9885


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  • mackmyra whisky
  • mackmyra
  • svensk whisky
  • whisky
  • export
  • kanada

We followed our dreams and created the Swedish malt whisky. We produce it in our own way, using local ingredients and with no additives whatsoever. The result has put Sweden on the international whisky map. We offer whisky experiences with a difference for innovators and those who enjoy the good things in life. Welcome to Mackmyra Svensk Whisky.


Susanne Tedsjö

Presskontakt Försäljnings- och Marknadschef Försäljning och Marknad 070 - 841 92 24

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