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Filippa Wigström

Presskontakt Head of Sales & Marketing

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Serkan Günes

SERKAN GÜNES @Lydmar Hotel

Utställning 13 januari - 17 april 2022
Serkan Günes (f.1980) växte upp i Istanbul och vid 20 års ålder flyttade han till Stockholm. Två år senare fick han en kamera i födelsedagspresent och det var då hans resa inom fotografi började. Idag bor han vid sjön Keskijärvis strand, 100 kilometer norr om polcirkeln.
Det som skiljer landskapet i Lappland, kallat för norra Europas sista o

A second generation lifestyle hotel


We like to keep it simple and straightforward in a relaxed and informal environment. We believe in a hotel experience liberated from formalities and conservative stiffness. Calmness and simplicity is promoted rather than an abundance of impressions. It is neither the rigid minimalist look, nor the exaggerated grandness, which guests are used to in a five-star context. It is an ease of freshness in combination with a contemporary classic look, featuring culture, top quality and strong personal impressions to create the added value of belonging.

We believe that personality is more important than formal uniforms. The staff will express a more personal style and possess local knowledge about what’s happening in the town, which will suit those who want to “live” during their stay and are used to top service and relaxed elegancy.

Welcome to The Lydmar Hotel.


Södra Blasieholmshamnen 2
103 24 Stockholm