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Technical Insight: Ergonomics and hygiene meet efficiency and automation when the New Karolinska Hospital handles waste and laundry.

Logiwaste has delivered three systems to the new Karolinska Hospital. The systems provide the hospital with efficient and automated waste and laundry management. At the same time, the systems provide an easy, hygienic and ergonomic handling for the user.

At the new Karolinska hospital in Solna, patients are met by a state-of-the-art healthcare environment. Planning and design have consistently been based on the patients and what is best for them. It also means that high demands are placed on the underlying systems that affect the operation of the hospital, including an efficient, hygienic and at the same time ergonomic handling of waste and laundry.

Logiwaste has delivered three different systems to the hospital. An automatic waste collection system, a laundry management system and a kitchen waste system.

The staff can now dispose of waste and laundry via more than 220 fully automatic inlets located in the environmental rooms which are distributed over the hospital buildings and floors.

The automatic waste collection system handles four different waste fractions; residual waste, paper, plastic and paper packages. Bags with separated waste fractions are disposed through the same inlets and use the same pipe system to the terminal. Laundry bags are disposed through the same model of inlet and collected in trolleys at the bottom of each shaft before further automated handling.

The waste and laundry systems provide a hygienic and ergonomic work environment for the staff

The inlet doors have touchless electronic opening and closing using an RFID reader. The inlets are opened and closed automatically after the user has selected the waste fraction to be discarded. A low-placed opening makes it easy and ergonomic for staff to dispose of waste and laundry without the need for heavy lifting.

The systems delivered by Logiwaste provide the hospital with an efficient and automated waste and laundry management. At the same time, this system provides a very easy, hygienic and ergonomic handling with reduced manual work for the user.

How the system at the new Karolinska Hospital works

The user selects the waste fraction to be disposed via a display using an access-controlled RFID tag. The waste bags is thrown into the inlet by the user and then automatically intermediately stored by means of fraction changers at the bottom of each shaft. The bags are then transported to the terminal by means of vacuum via a pipe system. At the terminal, the waste is collected in different containers. Waste fractions with high volume are compressed with compactors to minimize the number of road transports.


  • Vatten-, avloppsrening

Logiwaste är ett Svenskt miljöteknikföretag grundat 2006. Bolaget bidrar till en bättre totalekonomi, arbetsmiljö, närmiljö och en hållbar framtid genom helhetslösningar inom automatiserad avfallshantering. Logiwaste har vidareutvecklat sopsugstekniken genom innovativa, driftsäkra och effektiva system och anläggningar för hushållsavfall, kommersiellt avfall och tvätt.

Vanliga användningsområden inkluderar sopsug för bostadsområden, innerstadsområden och kommersiella fastigheter, samt avfallssug och tvättsug för sjukhus och vårdmiljöer.


Lars Jonsson

Presskontakt Head of Marketing 08 - 736 00 96

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