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Focus on sustainable work, Logiwaste maintains certification in quality, environment and work environment.

A central part of Logiwaste's business is that the company's waste management solutions will contribute to a better and more sustainable society. Some of the most important tools in this work are management systems for quality, environment and work environment. In 2017, Logiwaste continued to further develop the processes and the long-term work of continuous improvement in these three priority areas.

After the year's audit, the company is still ISO 9001 certified for quality, ISO 14001 for environmental management and OHSAS 18001 as a management system for the working environment.

Read more about Logiwaste's work on quality, the environment and the work environment here


  • Miljö, energi


  • waste management
  • waste collection
  • waste
  • environment
  • sustainable

Logiwaste är ett Svenskt miljöteknikföretag grundat 2006. Bolaget bidrar till en bättre totalekonomi, arbetsmiljö, närmiljö och en hållbar framtid genom helhetslösningar inom automatiserad avfallshantering. Logiwaste har vidareutvecklat sopsugstekniken genom innovativa, driftsäkra och effektiva system och anläggningar för hushållsavfall, kommersiellt avfall och tvätt.

Vanliga användningsområden inkluderar sopsug för bostadsområden, innerstadsområden och kommersiella fastigheter, samt avfallssug och tvättsug för sjukhus och vårdmiljöer.


Lars Jonsson

Presskontakt Head of Marketing 08 - 736 00 96

Relaterat innehåll

Logiwaste Annual Report 2016

Logiwaste continues to be one of Sweden's fastest growing environmental technology companies. During the year, the company's positions strengthened through increased net sales, improved earnings and improved profit margin. Strong development of the backlog, internationalization in selected markets and establishment of a new business area are some of the highlights of this year's annual report.