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Legendary investments at Liseberg 2017–2018

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Legendary investments at Liseberg 2017–2018

During 2017 and 2018 Liseberg will invest around SEK 250 million in new attractions and concepts for the 8,000-square-metre area near Balder. The inspiration comes from Norse myths and legends, and among other things means that Balder will be joined by two new attractions: Loke and Valkyria.

This is the biggest investment in developing an area of the park that Liseberg has ever made, and will be spread over two years. In 2017, Liseberg will open Europe’s tallest Gyro Swing attraction, and in 2018 Europe’s longest Dive Coaster. The site will also get new shopping, amusement and restaurant facilities. All the new additions will follow a theme inspired by Norse myths and legends.

“Our history provides fantastic tales to inspire us,” says Lotta Carlsbogård, creative manager at Liseberg. “This investment will take shape over the course of two years, rather like a tale in two parts.”

Loke the battle begins
In Norse mythology, Loke was the most treacherous and devious of all the giants of Asgard. He cunningly and cold-bloodedly forged plans to kill the kindest and best-loved of the gods, Balder. In April 2017 the battle between the two giants will begin.

When you ride the Loke attraction you sit facing outwards with your feet dangling from a spinning gondola that also swings through an angle of up to 120 degrees. At the height of its swing the gondola rises 42 metres above the ground – twice as high as its predecessor, SpinRock – before plummeting at 100 kph towards Balder, so close that it feels as if the attractions will collide.

Valkyria the point of no return
In readiness for the 2018 summer season Kanonen will be replaced by Europe’s longest Dive Coaster, a roller coaster that starts with a near vertical drop. Riders sit six abreast in trains that are three rows long, with their legs dangling free. After a 45 degree climb they find themselves at the highest point, 47 metres in the air. Just as the train is about to go over the edge the cars pause, and passengers are suspended in the air for a couple of seconds, before they plummet vertically 50 metres into an underground tunnel at 105 kph.

The name of the roller coaster, Valkyria, is also taken from Norse mythology. A valkyrie was a winged creature whose task was to carry fallen warriors from Middle Earth to the afterlife. And according to Daniel Lindberg, attraction manager, the ride will live up to its name.

“When you are fastened in and then drawn inescapably higher and higher it feels as if you could faint. Then as you hang, stationary, staring down 50 metres straight into the abyss, you are convinced you won’t make it. But after the ride you get a rush of adrenalin and really feel that you are alive!”

A whole new area is taking shape
The area will gradually take on a completely new look, with a combination of greenery and dramatic features. In addition to the new attractions, investments will also be made in amusements, shopping, restaurants and more places to sit. Because even on the battlefield of Middle Earth there will naturally be a few who would rather watch the bags than throw themselves into conflict.


Manufacturer: Intamin

Attraction type: Gyro Swing

Height, construction: 27 m

Max. height of gondola: 42 m

Max. angle of swing: 120 degrees

Max. speed: 100 kph

Number of passengers/ride: 40

Ride duration: 100 seconds

Capacity: 900 passengers/hour


Manufacturer: Bolliger & Mabillard

Attraction type: Dive Coaster

Length: Around 700 m

Height: 47 m

Drop: 50 m (incl. underground section)

Max. speed: 105 kph

Number of passengers/ride: 3 trains x 18 passengers

Capacity: 1,100 passengers/hour

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Andreas Andersen

Andreas Andersen

Verkställande direktör Liseberg AB +46 31-766 7100
Thomas Sjöstrand

Thomas Sjöstrand

Verkställande direktör Lisebergs Jubileumsprojekt 031-7667260

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En av de ledande nöjesparkerna i Europa

Liseberg är en av de ledande nöjesparkerna i Europa och erbjuder underhållning, attraktioner, restauranger och boende av högsta klass. Varje år tar parken emot cirka 3 miljoner gäster, vilket gör Liseberg till Sveriges mest besökta resmål.


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402 22 Göteborg

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