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Valkyria's track layout. Attached is a point-of-view video of the ride, not to be confuesed with the Valkyria VR production  which will be a more dramatic experience.
Valkyria's track layout. Attached is a point-of-view video of the ride, not to be confuesed with the Valkyria VR production which will be a more dramatic experience.

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Check out Liseberg’s new rollercoaster!

When Liseberg opens for the season on 22 April, the giant Loke will stand at the ready to do battle with Balder, and the Ancient Norse saga will begin. Nearby, the sequel – Valkyria – is underway. The park has decided what the new rollercoaster will be like, and visitors will be able to experience a sample of it this year.

When it’s completed in 2018, Valkyria will be Europe’s longest dive coaster. Now the track layout has been determined and we know how its construction will affect the rest of the park.

After the lift hill from the station building, riders will have a moment to look out over the Mölndalsån River, and a heart-stopping standstill at the very edge of the vertical drop that defines a dive coaster. In Valkyria’s case, it’s a 50-metre free fall straight into an underground cavern. Riders then burst out of the underworld at 105 km/h to be spun upside down and dive towards the JukeBox. After a few more inversions, a spin around the Amusement Arcade and a few swoops out over the river, the nearly 750-meter long ride comes to an end.

Construction has already begun on the station building, on the former site of Kanonen. Other attractions will be running as usual until late summer, when the Fairy Tale Castle and Wave Swinger need to shut down to make room for Valkyria. The Wave Swinger will be placed in a new location in 2018, and there are plans to replace the Fairy Tale Castle in a few years with a similar attraction.

“We’ve planned the construction phases to have the least possible impact on the park,” says Liseberg’s CEO Andreas Andersen, “but we can’t avoid all disruptions. It takes time to build a rollercoaster.” But Andersen promises every sacrifice will be worth it.

Valkyria is being built by the renowned Swiss company Bolliger & Mabillard, which has designed some of the world’s most acclaimed rollercoasters. If you can’t wait until 2018, you’ll be able to take a virtual ride on Valkyria this year. Liseberg’s new Myths & Legends section will feature Valkyria VR – a virtual experience with six simulator chairs with virtual reality headsets to give people a taste of things to come.

“It’s an attractive and grand production, and we’re glad to be able to show our guests what’s coming,” Andersen says. “But it will be nothing compared to the real-life Valkyria doomsday drop!

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Andreas Andersen

Andreas Andersen

Verkställande direktör Liseberg AB +46 31-766 7100

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En av de ledande nöjesparkerna i Europa

Liseberg är en av de ledande nöjesparkerna i Europa och erbjuder underhållning, attraktioner, restauranger och boende av högsta klass. Varje år tar parken emot cirka 3 miljoner gäster, vilket gör Liseberg till Sveriges mest besökta resmål.


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