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Light My Fire of Sweden Launches MayaSticks: A Reliable Fire Starter with a Positive Impact

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Light My Fire of Sweden Launches MayaSticks: A Reliable Fire Starter with a Positive Impact

MALMOE, SWEDEN 22nd of December 2023 Light My Fire of Sweden, a leading innovator in gear for cooking and eating outdoors, is excited to announce the launch of their latest product line: MayaSticks. The products are a testament to the company’s commitment to product quality and functionality, along with positive social and environmental impact, and are the first of many launches to come.

MayaSticks, an evolution of the original fire starter that launched the company in 1995, is one of many recent product developments being launched by Light My Fire and represents the company’s newly invigorated brand direction rooted in Regenerative Leadership. MayaSticks are 100% natural, resin-soaked “fatwood” sticks designed to quickly and easily start fires in any weather condition, any time of the year.

The production of MayaSticks supports local communities by providing jobs and contributing to local education and healthcare. For every stump used in the production process, two trees are planted, demonstrating the company’s commitment to responsible harvesting and supporting forest regeneration in Honduras.

Crafted from high-quality fatwood, the sticks are easy to light and burn efficiently. They can be used to start any type of fire: from indoor fireplaces and wood stoves to smokers and barbeques to campfires in the woods. They’re perfect for people who care about using natural products that are safer for the environment as well as their own health.

MayaSticks are resin-soaked, which is a naturally occurring byproduct found in the stump of this fast-growing tree. Light My Fire sources them in Honduras, where the pine species (Montezum and Caribea) mature in 15-20 years and grow to nearly three times the size of Swedish pine. MayaSticks have much more naturally occurring resin: up to 80% compared to 30% in Swedish pine.

"Light My Fire has always been about more than just creating great products," said Calill Odqvist Jagusch, CEO of Light My Fire of Sweden. "With MayaSticks, we're not only providing a natural option for people who love cooking and eating over an open flame, but also creating a positive impact on local communities in Honduras."

MayaSticks are independently verified through Scientific Certification Systems (SCS) to ensure good practices are employed for salvaged wood that would otherwise be wasted. This standard was developed by SCS to reduce pressures on natural forests and other sensitive environments while striving to meet ever-increasing human demands for wood and other plant-based products.

MayaSticks are available in eight size options ranging from a small bundle to a 30-lb. box, catering to a variety of outdoor needs. Three of the size options are wrapped in paper; two are in larger-sized boxes and one size comes with an easy-carry wooden crate for backyard, camping or fireplace convenience. There’s also a small bundle option that consists of three sticks, and MayaStick-on-a-Rope for ultra-lightweight convenience. The different options make MayaSticks a must-have for people who enjoy camping, outdoor cooking, or simply the comfort of a cozy fire anywhere, any time.

"We're proud to offer a new wave of products that not only meet the needs of our customers but also contributes to the well-being of our planet and people," Jagusch added.

For more information about MayaSticks, read our recent blog and visit the productpage on our website.

For more information about Light My Fire’s newly ignited brand direction, read our recent article, Igniting Change.

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Light My Fire of Sweden, a frontrunner in the design and production of outdoor gear for cooking and eating since 1995, as well as inventor of the two-sided Spork and long-time producers of resin-soaked MayaSticks, reaffirms its commitment to fostering a regenerative world. As a leader in regenerative business practices, the company continues to challenge the status quo, highlighting and underscoring the importance of a balanced connection between our inner selves, each other and the natural world.


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