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Light My Fire of Sweden Introduces New Swedish KOKKAFFE

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Light My Fire of Sweden Introduces New Swedish KOKKAFFE

Malmö, Sweden – April 9th, 2024 – The outdoor brand Light My Fire of Sweden, known for its responsibly sourced outdoor tableware and fire-starting products, is excited to announce their newest product: Swedish KOKKAFFE, an ethically sourced coffee from Honduras. Swedish KOKKAFFE is a return to traditional Nordic coffee-brewing methods, with a low-waste approach and a slow-brew method that’s perfect for enjoying around a campfire.

Insights from the CEO
“Swedish KOKKAFFE is more than just a step into the food sector for us; it’s a leap toward blending our love for nature with responsible sourcing practices,” says Calill Odqvist Jagusch, CEO of Light My Fire.

“Swedish KOKKAFFE is sourced from COMICOVEL Organic, a coffee co-op in Honduras, and it’s the beginning of a new chapter for Light My Fire, where we explore how food enhances our outdoor experience while staying in line with our company’s core values,” says Odqvist Jagusch.

About Swedish KOKKAFFE
Light My Fire’s Swedish KOKKAFFE revives the cherished Nordic tradition of coffee brewing, encouraging a moment to be more intentional, to savor moments and to slow down in our fast-paced lives. The coffee not only supports sustainable farming practices but also aligns with Light My Fire’s mission to offer products that enhance the outdoor experience while being mindful of the planet.

Commitment to Responsible Sourcing – The Blue Harvest Project
Light My Fire’s support for the COMICOVEL co-op— which earns producers premiums to continue organic farming and ecosystem preservation that protects freshwater sources—underscores its dedication to environmental stewardship and sustainable agriculture. The co-op is the product of the Blue Harvest Project, which improves agroforestry management on farms throughout Central America

Looking Ahead
“Swedish KOKKAFFE is just the beginning,” Odqvist Jagusch adds. “We’re excited about the future and we’re already planning more food products that embody our commitment to ethical sourcing, eating and drinking under the bare sky and bringing people closer to nature.”

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About Light My Fire: Headquartered in Malmö, Sweden, Light My Fire is renowned for its innovative outdoor products that marry functionality with environmental responsibility. From durable, reusable tableware to efficient fire-starting tools, the company encourages outdoor enthusiasts to embrace a sustainable lifestyle without compromising on quality or experience.

For more information about Swedish KOKAFFE, please visit the company’s website.


We ignite dreams

Vi brinner för att återförena människan med naturen. Hos oss möter stark formgivning och funktionalitet upptäckarglädje och äventyrslust. Njut av utelivet med våra produkter: från lunchlådan i parken till skogsvandringens fikapauser, från grillkvällar i trädgården till matlagningsäventyr på toppen av världens bergskedjor. Naturen påminner oss om uråldriga kunskaper som hjälper oss njuta av dess skönhet. Inte minst den ädla konsten att göra upp en eld. Följ med oss ut!

Light My Fire

Mejselgatan 3
21120 Malmo