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Light My Fire Announces New Brand Campaign Rooted in its Regenerative Leadership Roots: “Shaped by Nature”

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Light My Fire Announces New Brand Campaign Rooted in its Regenerative Leadership Roots: “Shaped by Nature”

[January 11, 2024], Malmö, Sweden – Light My Fire of Sweden, a leading outdoor brand, is proud to announce the launch of its eight-week 2024 Vassi Winter Brand Campaign, titled “Shaped by Nature.” The campaign positions Light My Fire as an active supporter of Regenerative Leadership and circular design solutions, focusing on the profound connection between our products, our business practices and inspiration drawn from the natural world.

“Shaped by Nature”: A Campaign Rooted in Swedish Heritage and Environmental Ethos
“Shaped by Nature” is more than a campaign; it’s a narrative that illustrates the seamless integration of Light My Fire’s core values with the rhythms and patterns found in nature. The campaign is inspired by a 2023 ski camp trip with Haglöfs, an outdoor equipment brand, to northern Sweden; within the Arctic Circle. The campaign interweaves the essence of Swedish design and cultural heritage—simplicity, clean design and resourcefulness—with Light My Fire’s commitment to regenerative practices and circular solutions.

Connecting Through Nature
The campaign aims to inspire a deeper connection with nature, spotlighting the joy of cooking and eating under the bare sky. With nature as our muse, “Shaped by Nature” celebrates the transformative power of wild places and encourages a collective embrace of spending time in nature as a pathway to physical and spiritual wellbeing—whether it’s in the wild or in our own backyard.

Targeting outdoor enthusiasts, conscious consumers and culinary aficionados that like to cook and eat outdoors, the campaign’s “red thread” (in Sweden, “röd tråd,” is used to describe that something follows a theme) is our shared connection to nature. “Shaped by Nature” aims to resonate with individuals and organizations seeking to integrate responsible and aesthetically pleasing outdoor gear and practices into their everyday life.

From showcasing the vast landscapes of Northern Sweden—where the simple acts of daily life play out under a bare sky—to sharing recipes and cooking tips (many from the upcoming Spring 2024 cookbook, “Under the Bare Sky”), and highlighting responsibly made products, each element of the campaign is designed to communicate the “Shaped by Nature” ethos and the tangible benefits of Light My Fire products.

Join Us in Shaping a Regenerative Future

Light My Fire invites industry partners, retailers and all those committed to responsible environmental solutions and outdoor living to follow the “Shaped by Nature” campaign and discover how our design approach and products can enhance your connection with the outdoors and contribute to a circular, regenerative economy.

For more information and partnership inquiries, please contact: Light My Fire of Sweden, Carolin Hardell

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Light My Fire of Sweden, a frontrunner in the design and production of outdoor gear for cooking and eating since 1995, as well as inventor of the two-sided Spork and long-time producers of resin-soaked MayaSticks, reaffirms its commitment to fostering a regenerative world. As a leader in regenerative business practices, the company continues to challenge the status quo, highlighting and underscoring the importance of a balanced connection between our inner selves, each other and the natural world.


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Vi brinner för att återförena människan med naturen. Hos oss möter stark formgivning och funktionalitet upptäckarglädje och äventyrslust. Njut av utelivet med våra produkter: från lunchlådan i parken till skogsvandringens fikapauser, från grillkvällar i trädgården till matlagningsäventyr på toppen av världens bergskedjor. Naturen påminner oss om uråldriga kunskaper som hjälper oss njuta av dess skönhet. Inte minst den ädla konsten att göra upp en eld. Följ med oss ut!

Light My Fire

Mejselgatan 3
21120 Malmo