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Styrka i siffror – miljontals människor kan inte ha fel

Styrka i siffror – miljontals människor kan inte ha fel

Om du är seriös med din träning, om du verkligen vill bli stark, lätt och tonad ska du välja en väg fylld av styrketräning. Välj också ett sätt som fungerar – ett sätt där det finns siffror som backar upp din träning.
Varje vecka kämpar sig miljontals människor genom en BODYPUMP® klass. Det finns 51,000 certifierade instruktörer som äntrar scenen och instruerar i BODYPUMP® på runt 15,000 klubb

For a fitter planet

Les Mills is the global leader in group fitness and creator of 20 programs available in leading fitness facilities around the world. Les Mills programs include the world’s first group exercise resistance training workout BODYPUMP™, BODYCOMBAT™ (martial arts), RPM™ (indoor cycling), BODYBALANCE™ (yoga), LES MILLS GRIT™ (30-minute high-intensity interval training) and the revolutionary immersive cycle experience, THE TRIP™. Each workout is refreshed and updated with new choreography and music every three months.

The company was founded by Les Mills – a four-time Olympian and head coach of New Zealand’s track and field team – who opened his first gym in 1968 with the aim of taking elite sports training to the masses.
Today, Les Mills workouts are delivered by 140,000 certified instructors in 21,000 clubs across 100 countries and are available as live, livestream, virtual and immersive classes, as well as via the LES MILLS+ streaming platform.


Biblioteksgatan 29
11435 Stockholm