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Fukushima Colours- Voices of recovery after the catastrophe in Japan

Fukushima Colours- Voices of recovery after the catastrophe in Japan

Tid 20 April 2012 18:00 – 20:00

Plats The Khalili Lecture Theatre SOAS, University of London, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H OXG

It will take years for the full extent of the nuclear crisis’ impact on Japan to become clear. Yet, already now, a year after the tsunami, it is possible to see some of the consequences that March 11th has had on people’s mind-sets, Japanese agriculture, the fishing industry, family ties, and research about renewable energy sources. Through the stories and destinies of individuals who were affected by the crisis in different ways, we hear the emergence of a common voice striving towards a more sustainable and ecological future. It also becomes apparent that Japanese cultural values play an important role in the recovery process. Speaker Biography Elin Lindqvist was born in Tokyo in 1982 and currently lives in England. A freelance journalist, dramaturge and translator, she has worked and lived in over nine countries. She has a BA in Individualized Studies from Sophia University in Tokyo and New York University (NYU). She is a multilingual author, and has published three novels in Swedish (tokyo natt, 2002; Tre röda näckrosor, 2005 and Facklan, 2009). At the height of the nuclear crisis, when most foreign journalists were leaving Japan, Elin Lindqvist went to the devastated areas as a reporter for Sweden’s largest daily newspaper, offering her readers a unique insight into the crisis. She later returned in May to write about the reconstruction process and the continuing nuclear crisis. Her reportage book Fukushima Colours was published in Swedish and in English on March 11th 2012. This event is Free & Open to All http://www.soas.ac.uk/jrc/events/ Or contact Centres & Programmes Office on: Email: centres@soas.ac.uk Tel: +44 (0)20 7898 4892 /3 or Dr Stephen Dodd, Japan Research Centre Email: sd5@soas.ac.uk Tel: +44 (0)20 7898 4216 All are Welcome . Booking is not required.



Vilhelm Hanzén

Vilhelm Hanzén

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