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25 Oct 2021, Webinar on KSLA: Tandem Forest Values – What have we learned?

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25 Oct 2021, Webinar on KSLA: Tandem Forest Values – What have we learned?

The research initiative Tandem Forest Values started as a gift to Finland at the centenary of independence celebrations 2017. Through the gift, the Swedish government and Swedish private partners hoped to strengthen and develop long-term bilateral research collaboration between actors in the fields of forestry and industrial forestry in Finland and Sweden. Funds for the research programme were donated by the Swedish Government, together with the Swedish Forest Industries Federation, the Kempe Foundations, the Wallenberg Foundations, and KSLA (the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry).

This webinar will present the evaluation and also present research insights from five of the projects granted from TFV.

Monday, 25 Oct at 2 until 4.30 pm on Zoom

Due to the success of the first call, Finnish and Swedish actors joined forces and pooled research funding for a continuation of the program. A second call was opened under the TFV Programme, aiming once again to support early-career researchers. The 2019 call was supported by three partners in each country. The Finnish partners were The Academy of Finland (the Research Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering of the Academy of Finland), the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland and the Ministry of the Environment of Finland and the Swedish partners were the Swedish Research Council Formas, the Kempe Foundations and the Wallenberg Foundations.

The data collected from the evaluation shows clear support for continuing the bilateral commitment in the forestry sector. Both funding bodies and beneficiaries see added value in this type of research programme, arguing that it complements other initiatives and is an effective way to develop knowledge about forests in the region and to build stronger relationships between researchers and universities in Sweden and Finland.

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Peter Normark

Peter Normark

Presskontakt Akademisekreterare och VD Övergripande akademifrågor 08-5454 7702
Agneta Davidsson Ohlson

Agneta Davidsson Ohlson

Presskontakt Konferenskoordinator/Kommunikatör Konferenser, kommunikation 08-54547712

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