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2024-02-14 Wallenberg Lecture: Healthy Animals for Sustainable Agriculture and One Health

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2024-02-14 Wallenberg Lecture: Healthy Animals for Sustainable Agriculture and One Health

Professor Andrea Doeschl-Wilson from the Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh, was appointed as Wallenberg Professor in genetic-epidemiology in 2021. She is currently a guest professor at the Department of Animal Biosciences at SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences). In Scotland, Professor Doeschl-Wilson leads a research program on the prevention and control of infectious diseases. Before Professor Doeschl-Wilson returns to Scotland, the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (KSLA) has the pleasure to host this lecture.

Infectious diseases are a serious threat to farmed animals, One Health and sustainable food production. Neither epidemiological nor quantitative genetics methods are fully effective as they ignore much individual variation affecting infectious disease spread. It has been shown that health and welfare of livestock can be improved by integrating quantitative genetics and epidemiology.

The methods developed by Professor Doeschl-Wilson’s research group expand traditional epidemiological and genetic approaches to control infectious diseases as they take into account genetic variation in individual’s response to infection. The methods lead to a better scientific understanding of infection spread and have the potential to transform current disease control strategies for farmed animals in Sweden.

Professor Doeschl-Wilson has during her years in Uppsala contributed to the training of early career scientist at SLU, and it has been possible to build a long-lasting network of PhD students and supervisors between SLU and University of Edinburgh. This talk is moderated by Professor Ulf Emanuelson, SLU.

Time & Venue
The Lecture is held on Wednesday 14 February at 12 until 2.30 pm, in the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, Drottninggatan 95B in Stockholm, or in Zoom. (Link will be sent out the day before.)

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Sara Österman

Sara Österman

Presskontakt Akademiagronom Jordbruk och därtill hörande frågor. 08-5454 7706
Agneta Davidsson Ohlson

Agneta Davidsson Ohlson

Presskontakt Konferenskoordinator/Kommunikatör Konferenser, kommunikation 08-54547712

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