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How can we ensure sustainable cattle production systems for future generations?

How can we ensure sustainable cattle production systems for future generations?

Tid 9 September 2012 18:00 – 11 September 2012 15:00

Plats Hotell Falkenberg Strandbad Havsbadsallén 2A, 311 42 Falkenberg

Ruminant’s production offers many benefits to society, but they do also provide difficult environmental challenges. Ruminants produce, high quality food from low quality feed, but are at the same time a major source of greenhouse gases. Yet, grazing ruminants with their four stomach compartments help preserve pastoral landscapes, preserve biodiversity, conserve quality of soil and offer aesthetic values. Cows (cattle), sheep and goats are all ruminants, but during this conference we will focus on cattle since they are the dominant ruminant on the planet. There is no easy way of meeting the growing demand for food and animal products while decreasing greenhouse gas emissions and environmentally friendly impacts of livestock production. Science must contribute to providing answers to questions like these: Can the efficiency of ruminant production systems be improved? Are there more environmentally friendly ways of raising ruminant livestock? If so, what tools do we need? Can we reduce greenhouse gas emissions from meat and milk production? The increasing demand for meat and milk will continue to force agriculture to lower its environmental footprint. Today’s farmers need to plan for the future. This conference will help provide information to enable farmers, researchers, policy makers and consumer organizations to deal with these complex issues now and in the future Bertebos Prize Conference 2012 – with Karen Beauchemin, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge Research Centre. Registration by 15 July 2012 Fee: SEK 1000 (students SEK 500) + accommodation Welcome! http://www.ksla.se/aktivitet/sustainable-cattle-production-systems-for-future-generations/



Peter Normark

Peter Normark

Presskontakt Akademisekreterare och VD Övergripande akademifrågor 08-5454 7702
Elin Mellqvist

Elin Mellqvist

Presskontakt Akademigeolog Områden inom de gröna näringarna som inte specifikt hör hemma inom jord- eller skogsbruk. 08-5454 7716
Sara Österman

Sara Österman

Presskontakt Akademiagronom Jordbruk och därtill hörande frågor. 08-5454 7706
Birgitta Naumburg

Birgitta Naumburg

Presskontakt Akademijägmästare Skog, skogsbruk och därtill hörande frågor 08-5454 7707
Agneta Davidsson Ohlson

Agneta Davidsson Ohlson

Presskontakt Konferenskoordinator/Kommunikatör Konferenser, kommunikation 08-54547712

Keiko Blesserholt

Presskontakt Stiftelsehandläggare (anslag, priser och belöningar) 08-5454 7713

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