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Krinova organises Food Hack 2019 with the Swedish research council Formas

The Swedish research council Formas, which funds sustainable development research, will be the co-organising partner of next year’s Food Hack.

Food Hack is a 48-hour international innovation competition open to people of different disciplines, professions and backgrounds who share a passion for creating innovative solutions for how we can produce, consume and distribute our food in a sustainable way.

“By taking part in organising Food Hack, we strengthen our work with innovation, digitisation and utilisation of research. The partnership with Krinova also enables us to reach out to new target groups and promote collaboration between different actors. This, in turn, can lead to new sustainable solutions that help us in our pursuit towards the global sustainable development goals,” says Formas Director General Ingrid Petersson.

The theme of next year's Food Hack is linked to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and is intended to inspire sustainable products and services that bring us closer to the UN's global sustainability targets. A complex challenge in society is figuring out how to safeguard human access to food, water and renewable energy while preserving balanced ecosystems, biological diversity and stable and equal societies.

The upcoming Food Hack, which runs from 15–17 March 2019, marks the fifth year that Krinova organises the innovation competition. The last Food Hack attracted participants from more than 25 countries.

“This is the fifth consecutive year that we arrange Food Hacks. The event has matured, grown and continues to evolve. Connecting science, research and challenge driven innovation in this new way will surely be beneficial for the entire Swedish food, health and environment community.” says Charlotte Lorentz Hjorth, Managing Director of Krinova Incubator & Science Park. “We hope that as many innovation arenas as possible take the opportunity to send participants.”

The learnings and experiences from the Food Hack will be disseminated via the soon-to-be launched innovation platform which all partners, national food nodes, will access. This is also part of the initiative of Foodinova that coordinates the Swedish ecosystem for incubation of food companies.

For more information, please contact:

Charlotte Lorentz Hjorth, Managing Director of Krinova Incubator & Science Park, 0708291434, charlotte@krinova.se

Elisabet Blomberg, Director of Communications at Formas, 0722334004,



Formas is a Swedish research council for sustainable development. The work includes funding of research, strategy, evaluation and analysis as well as research communication

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Krinova Incubator & Science Park
Krinova Incubator & Science Park offers a creative growth environment providing support in development and innovation work, meeting rooms, and flexible office space. Krinova's mission includes setting up projects between academia, the public sector and the business sector that can lead to new business concepts and innovations. Within the profile area food – environment – health, Krinova has both partnerships and projects at the local, regional and international level. Krinova is owned by Kristianstad Municipality and Kristianstad University.



Krinova Incubator & Science Park

Krinova Incubator & Science Park erbjuder en kreativ tillväxtmiljö med stöd i utvecklings- och innovationsarbete, möteslokaler och flexibla kontorslokaler. I Krinovas uppdrag ingår att rigga projekt mellan akademi, offentlig verksamhet och näringsliv som kan leda till nya affärsidéer och innovationer. Inom profilområdet mat – miljö – hälsa drivs samarbeten och projekt såväl på lokal, regional som internationell nivå. Krinova ägs av Kristianstads Kommun och Högskolan Kristianstad.


Lena Jasslin

Lena Jasslin

Presskontakt Kommunikationansvarig 072-885 78 11

Skapa morgondagens företag och samhälle

Krinova är en katalysator för utveckling och innovation i samhället. Med stort engagemang, bred kompetens och en bank av metoder och verktyg erbjuder Krinova innovationsstöd till små och medelstora företag. Inom profilområdet Livsmedel skapar Krinova samarbeten och projekt på regional, nationell och internationell nivå. Under drygt tio år har Krinova drivit olika livsmedelsrelaterade initiativ och är Sveriges största och första inkubator och science park med fokus på livsmedel. Krinova ägs av Kristianstads kommun och Högskolan Kristianstad och är en av de ca 65 medlemmarna i den nationella branschorganisationen Swedish Incubators & Science Parks (SISP).

Krinova Incubator & Science Park

Stridsvagnsvägen 14
291 39 Kristianstad