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Incubators participate in cross-sector collaboration to address health challenges at the interface between food and life science

The newly formed “Food, health & life science innovation node,” a partnership involving SmiLe IncubatorMedeon Science Park & Incubator, GU Ventures and Krinova Incubator & Science Park, will lead to innovations that simplify daily life for the chronically ill.

The partners will initially focus on identifying the challenges that people with diabetes encounter in daily life and where the solutions can be found at the interface between food and life science.

Tomorrow’s health care will be more preventative and personalized. In order for Sweden to be able to drive developments and maintain its leading position in life science, interdisciplinary collaborations are needed to create opportunities for brand new types of treatments, forms of care and health-promoting measures,” says Ebba Fåhraeus, CEO of SmiLe Incubator in Lund.

Many of our society’s public and private activities are organized in silo structures, which often make it difficult for organizations to work together efficiently. The aim of the new partnership is to develop a model for such cooperation between life science and food incubators, based on challenges at the interface between food and life science. The model will enable innovation environments to proactively initiate development projects and invite companies and researchers to participate.

“Diet is of course known to have a major impact on our health. There is great potential in working with innovation projects at the interface between food and life science. Within the partnership we are laying the groundwork for an innovation-driven node where various skills and areas of knowledge meet and where differences become a strength in a common innovation process – all to provide maximum benefit and create new values,” says Charlotte Lorentz Hjorth, CEO of Krinova Incubator & Science Park.

The formation of the “Food, health & life science innovation node” is part of the Foodinova project that Krinova is running, along with Inkubera and about 20 project partners. 

For more information, please contact:

Charlotte Lorentz Hjorth, CEO, Krinova Incubator & Science Park, charlotte@krinova.se, +46 (0)708-29 14 34



Krinova Incubator & Science Park

Krinova is Sweden’s largest incubator and science park for food-related innovations and startups. Krinova’s mission also includes arranging projects involving academia, the public sector and industry that can lead to new business ideas and innovations, using societal challenges as their point of departure. Collaborations and projects at the intersection of food, environment and health are run at local, regional and international levels. www.krinova.se


Lena Jasslin

Lena Jasslin

Presskontakt Kommunikationansvarig 072-885 78 11

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Skapa morgondagens företag och samhälle

Krinova är en katalysator för utveckling och innovation i samhället. Med stort engagemang, bred kompetens och en bank av metoder och verktyg erbjuder Krinova innovationsstöd till små och medelstora företag. Inom profilområdet Livsmedel skapar Krinova samarbeten och projekt på regional, nationell och internationell nivå. Under drygt tio år har Krinova drivit olika livsmedelsrelaterade initiativ och är Sveriges största och första inkubator och science park med fokus på livsmedel. Krinova ägs av Kristianstads kommun och Högskolan Kristianstad och är en av de ca 65 medlemmarna i den nationella branschorganisationen Swedish Incubators & Science Parks (SISP).

Krinova Incubator & Science Park

Stridsvagnsvägen 14
291 39 Kristianstad