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Record number of new KRAV-labelled products

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Record number of new KRAV-labelled products

The number of KRAV-labelled products increased by 24% during 2015 - more than during any previous year. KRAV-labelled fresh herbs account for 51% of the total sales in their category. You can read about this and much more in KRAV’s Market Report, which was released today.

KRAV’s yearly market report provides a thorough and unique picture of how the market forKRAV-labelled foods is evolving. In 2015 sales continued to increase at the same fast pace as during the record year of 2014.

In 2015, sales of organic food increased by a total of 39% and many new KRAV-labelled products reached customers. A total of 1,582 KRAV-labelled items were registered, which is a record increase of 24% from the previous year. Towards the end of the year, there were 8,186 KRAV-labelled items on the market.

Johan Cejie, Sales Manager, KRAV stated: ”During 2015 product development gained momentum. Products have entered the market in all areas, and one category that we have been hoping would develop really took off: in the bread department, sales of KRAV-labelled bread increased 72%”

Sales increases are large in many other product categories as well. For example, slightly more than half of the fresh herbs sold in the retail sector are now KRAV-labelled.

Frozen KRAV-labelled fish is also a category that is strongly really ground - sales increased by 58% during 2015. Malena Nylin is in charge of the frozen fish category at Coop, where there is a substantial increase in all types of organic sales.

“What is especially interesting with fish is that demand has increased the most for the absolute best choice - KRAV-labelled fish. Families with children increasingly often choose KRAV-labelled products. For example, sales of breaded cod increased by 150% during 2015,” she said.

Some product categories that have shown a strong upward movement during 2015:

  • frozen fish: + 58%
  • fresh herbs: + 22%
  • chips and snacks: + 60%
  • flour: + 43%
  • pasta: + 40%
  • bread: + 72%
  • coffee: + 28%
  • juice and nectar: + 55%
  • tea: + 64%
  • beer: + 152% (at Systembolaget)

Consumer demand for KRAV-labelled products is clearly reflected in organic sales in the retail sector. All chains increased their sales during 2015 and the only threat to continued growth during 2016 is poorer access to organic products. Lidl’s sales of organic food products increased the most, by 62%.

“Our consumer surveys show that eight of 10 Swedes currently buy KRAV-labelled products regularly. This broad demand has resulted in the speedy development of a good selection of sustainable food during 2014 and 2015 by all grocery store chains,” explained Johan Cejie.

Changes in sales of organic food in the retail sector:

  • Axfood: + 44%
  • Bergendahls: + 52%
  • Coop: + 19%
  • Ica: + 47%*
  • Lidl Sweden: + 60%

Download the complete market report and find more statistics at: www.krav.se/marknadsrapport-2016(Swedish version)

An english version of the report is expected in early April.

*Refers to sales of ICA Sweden’s centrally purchased organic selection which does not include the local organic purchases of ICA stores.

Malena Nylin, Buyer & Category Manager (including frozen fish), Coop, 010-742 61 26. Johan Cejie, Sales Manager, KRAV, 070-665 93 76.
Kristin Karlsson, Press Manager, KRAV, 070-665 95 30.



Det här är KRAV:
Sveriges mest kända miljömärkning för mat, uppbyggd på ekologisk grund med särskilt höga krav på djuromsorg, hälsa, socialt ansvar och klimatpåverkan.

KRAV-märket är ett registrerat varumärke hos Patent- och registreringsverket. Registreringen ger KRAV ekonomisk förening ensamrätt till varumärket KRAV.

KRAV driver utvecklingen av ekologiska och hållbara livsmedel

KRAV driver utvecklingen av ekologiska och hållbara livsmedel, och är Sveriges mest kända hållbarhetsmärkning för mat. KRAV-märkt mat bidrar till ökad biologisk mångfald, god djurvälfärd, mindre klimatpåverkan och bättre arbetsvillkor. KRAV är en ekonomisk förening, ägd av 22 medlemsföretag och organisationer.


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751 40 Uppsala