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Hundreds of new KRAV-labelled products

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Hundreds of new KRAV-labelled products

Sales of organic and KRAV-labelled food increased by a total in all channels of 38% during 2014 compared to 2013. In the retail sector, the Bergendahls chain increased its sales the most, 57%. Fruit, vegetables and meat are the categories that increased the most in terms of per cent. Milk and eggs, which already accounted for a large portion of KRAV-labelled sales, also showed a striking increase. This and much more is shown in KRAV’s Market Report, which is being released today.

KRAV’s annual market report provides a unique and broad summary of the market for organic and KRAV-labelled products. It shows amongst other things that the value of organic sales in the retail sector had a record increase in 2014:

  • Axfood + 45%
  • Bergendahls +57%
  • Coop + 40%
  • Ica + 50%

“The increase in sales is sensational. Never before have so many consumers purchased so much KRAV-labelled food. Consumers want healthy food and KRAV-labelled products are a natural choice,” says Johan Cejie, Sales Manager at KRAV.

In retail stores, sales of KRAV-labelled products increased both in terms of volume (number of packages) and value. The following shows the change in value of some product groups:

  • meat (centrally packaged), +65%
  • milk, + 42%
  • eggs, + 9%
  • coffee, + 32%
  • frozen berries, + 98%
  • wine, + 100%

The increase is primarily driven by increased consumer interest,” says Johan Cejie and continues, Especially good to see is that demand has made it possible for hundreds of new KRAV-labelled products to reach store shelves.”

The totalnumber ofKRAV-labelledproducts increased by 14% to 6,600. 

There was also an increase in organic sales in the restaurant and catering sectors. The two large wholesalers, Martin & Servera and Menigo, showed increases of about 18% and 20% respectively. The main reason for the increase was still primarily due toan increase in purchases in the public sector, though there was also increased interest among private caterers.

  • Martin & Servera, organic sales in value: +18%
  • Menigo, organic sales in value: +20%

Public sector investment continues to bear fruit, but at the end of 2014 we also saw an influx of KRAV-certified private restaurants that has continued into early 2015. Evidently, consumers also want KRAV-certified products when they go to a restaurant . It's really a great and exciting development,” says Johan Cejie.

Download the report, in swedish:


Johan Cejie, Sales Manager,KRAV, 018 17 45 17
Kristin Cooper
, Press Manager, KRAV, 070 665 95 30


Det här är KRAV:
Sveriges mest kända miljömärkning för mat, uppbyggd på ekologisk grund med särskilt höga krav på djuromsorg, hälsa, socialt ansvar och klimatpåverkan.

KRAV-märket är ett registrerat varumärke hos Patent- och registreringsverket. Registreringen ger KRAV ekonomisk förening ensamrätt till varumärket KRAV.

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Hundratals nya KRAV-märkta produkter

Hundratals nya KRAV-märkta produkter

Försäljningen av ekologisk och KRAV-märkt mat ökade totalt, i alla kanaler, med 38 procent under 2014 jämfört med 2013. Frukt, grönt och kött hör till de kategorier som ökar procentuellt mest. Även mjölk och ägg, som redan har en stor andel KRAV-märkt, ökar markant. Det och mycket mer visar KRAVs marknadsrapport som presenteras idag.

The whole list: Counties with the largest amount of KRAV-certified farmers

The whole list: Counties with the largest amount of KRAV-certified farmers

Last year over 100 farmers chose to convert to KRAV-certification. This is good news, but it isn’t nearly enough to meet the rapidly increasing demand. In total, there are about 3,800 KRAV-certified farmers in Sweden today. The vast majority are in Västra Götaland. Statistics also show that the total area of KRAV-certified land increased in 2014.

KRAV driver utvecklingen av ekologiska och hållbara livsmedel

KRAV driver utvecklingen av ekologiska och hållbara livsmedel, och är Sveriges mest kända hållbarhetsmärkning för mat. KRAV-märkt mat bidrar till ökad biologisk mångfald, god djurvälfärd, mindre klimatpåverkan och bättre arbetsvillkor. KRAV är en ekonomisk förening, ägd av 22 medlemsföretag och organisationer.


Klostergatan 13, Box 1037
751 40 Uppsala