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All time high for organic in Sweden

In 2012, the sales of organic and KRAV-certified food in Sweden increased for the sixth consecutive year. The whole sale market increased by some 30 percent, while the retail market was considerably weaker. 

KRAV is Swedens best known sustainability label for food. Each year, the organisation behind the
label compiles a market report for the organic market in the country. The report goes in depth with production and sales in various channels.

KRAV’s market report,covering the year 2012, finds that the retail market was weak in 2012. The two major retailers COOP and ICA, did not move much. The third player in that market, Axfood, however made a significant increase:

  • Axfood + 12 percent
  • Ica +0,3 percent
  • Coop -1 percent

- It is very inspiring that the sales of organic and KRAV-certified food stands strong in times of
financial tumoil, said Johan Cejie, sales manager at KRAV. He continues: 

- There are clear signs that 2012 saw a reduction in prices. Since the market is measured in money, this means that the number of packages with organic products have increased considerably more. The number of people and hectares that are freed from synthetic pesticides increases a lot faster than the size of the market.

In the whole sales market, which supplies restaurants, canteens hospitals and the likes, we find this year’s big winner. The two major whole sellers, Martin&Servera and Menigo, reports sales have increased by more than 30%. This corresponds well to the fact that the number of KRAV-certified restaurants and canteens have increased by more than 200 to a total number of 823.

- It is important that more people in restaurants and canteens understands that organic cooking is not so complicated, said Christina Gezelius, information manager at Martin&Servera.

In the whole sales market, dairy products are leading the way for organic foods. On the contrary, the value of dairy products sold in retailers fell last year.

Product categories that noted significant increase in the retail sector include the

  • KRAV-certified, prepacked meats, +58 percent
  • KRAV-certifed eggs, +7 percent
  • KRAV-certified and EU-organic baby food, + 5 percent
  • KRAV-certified and EU-organic  fresh herbs, +14 percent
  • KRAV-certified sustainable seafood, +6 percent

A summary of the market report, in English, can be found at http://www.krav.se/marknadsrapporten2013  At this site you will also find press
pictures, and more.

For further information, please contact:
Johan Cejie, sales manager at KRAV, +46 18 17 45 17
Kristin Cooper, communications manager at KRAV, +46 70 665 95 30


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KRAV driver utvecklingen av ekologiska och hållbara livsmedel

KRAV driver utvecklingen av ekologiska och hållbara livsmedel, och är Sveriges mest kända hållbarhetsmärkning för mat. KRAV-märkt mat bidrar till ökad biologisk mångfald, god djurvälfärd, mindre klimatpåverkan och bättre arbetsvillkor. KRAV är en ekonomisk förening, ägd av 22 medlemsföretag och organisationer.


Klostergatan 13, Box 1037
751 40 Uppsala