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Graphic identity for Luleåbiennalen 2024, design by Johnny Chang
Graphic identity for Luleåbiennalen 2024, design by Johnny Chang

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Luleåbiennalen 2024: Complete artist presentation, opening weekend and temporary art event

New artists for Luleåbiennalen 2024 – On the threshold of 1:1

The intersection between Art and Architecture is the starting point for the 2024 edition of the Luleå Biennial with the aim to address the drastic changes in the built and natural environments of Norrbotten, the northernmost region of Sweden. The artistic directors Aude Christel Mgba and Bruno Alves de Almeida present On the threshold of 1:1, which will gather artistic positions that shed light on resilient practices and alternatives emerging from contexts of profound transition and transformation. In addition to the previously announced commissioned artists (*), we are pleased to unveil the complete list of contributing artists and architects for Luleåbiennalen 2024:

Andreas R Andersson (1982, Sweden) in collaboration with Karl Sjölund (1986, Sweden), Anna Zvyagintseva (1986, Ukraine), Architecture of Aroha – a collaborative project by Gunvor Guttorm (1958, Norway), Jasmine Te Hira (1990, Aotearoa New Zealand), Tanya White (1965, Aotearoa New Zealand), Zoe Black (1985, Aotearoa New Zealand), Berit Kristine Andersen Guvsám (1986, Norway) and Inga Ravne EiraDaniel de Paula* (1987, Brazil), Em’kal Eyongakpa* (1981, Cameroons), Eveliina Sarapää* (1976, Finland), Fadlabi* (1975, Sudan), Grandeza Studio – Amaia Sánchez Velasco (1985, Spain), Jorge Valiente Oriol (1984, Spain), Gonzalo Valiente Oriol (1982, Spain), – Inas Halabi (1988, Palestine), INTERPRT – Nabil Ahmed (1978, Bangladesh), Olga Lucko (1985, Latvia), – Jenni Laiti (1981, Finland) in collaboration with Outi Pieski (1973, Finland), Jenny Nordmark* (1980, Sweden), PHOSfate – a collaborative project by Mohamed Sleiman Labat (1986, Algeria) and Pekka Niskanen (1961, Finland), – Umeå School of Architecture (UMA), wiklundwiklund* – Katarina Wiklund (1963, Sweden), Susanna Wiklund (1964, Sweden).

Luleåbiennalen 2024 presents exhibitions and events in Luleå, Boden, Kiruna, and Messaure, from March 2 to May 26, 2024. The Biennial will span the period of the most dramatic shift in the North Bothnian landscape, transitioning from being covered in ice and snow to revealing bare ground. Therefore, the exhibition will not be static, with works unfolding throughout the exhibition period, such as the spatial installation by the Umeå School of Architecture, and during the biennial's closing days, featuring the work by Andreas R Andersson and Karl Sjölund.

Learn more about Luleåbiennalen 2024, the artists, and the artistic directors.

Opening Weekend


The opening days of Luleåbiennalen 2024 will take place in Kiruna, Luleå and Boden between 1–3 of March. You are invited to take part in activities including guided tours, performances, and talks between artists and artistic directors.

Friday 1st of March the biennial is inaugurated in Kiruna with an artwork activation on the City Hall Square, and the Artistic Directors speak about the concept behind the Luleåbiennalen 2024.

During Saturday 2nd of March, in Luleå, the biennial is presented in Luleå Konsthall, where the artists talk about their artworks and guided tours take place which continue alongside the Ice Road towards Galleri Syster.

On Sunday 3rd of March you are invited to welcome speeches and guided tours of the artworks displayed at Havremagasinet in Boden.

The public program will shortly be presented on our webpage.

24H Messaure


Welcome to the temporary and performative reactivation of a no-longer existing town, Messaure. Artist duo wiklundwiklund brings back the lights to the town’s site, creating a public moment of encounter and an homage to the many lives deeply tied to this place.

In the work 24h Messaure, wiklundwiklund uses different light sources to bring back to life seven personal stories, on the very site where Messaure once thrived. The use of light refers to the town's role in powering nearly half of Sweden's electricity needs, and the illuminated tales echo Messaure's historical significance as one of the largest hydropower plants in Europe. Born alongside the colossal dam, Messaure expanded into a flourishing community accommodating up to 3000 residents, with schools, churches, grocery stores, a cinema, and more. Over time, the community gradually depopulated, leading to a decline in services and the closure of many of its services. Today, all that remains of Messaure is a road sign bearing its name, as a reminder of its existence.

Join us in this drive-in event, with projections on the same place where movies were before played, as the town's history will be revived and the narratives and daily rhythms of Messaure are resurrected, in a unique event that blends history, art, and the spirit of Messaure.

Date: 2 of February 2024
Time: 18:00–19:00 CET
Place: Messaure

Read more about wiklundwiklund and Messaure.

Ice shelters by Fadlabi in Luleå


The artist Fadlabi (b. 1975, Sudan) presents his artwork Sadaqah Jariyah – On behalf of Nils Amund Raknerud on the Ice Road's wind shelters in Luleå in connection to Luleåbiennalen 2024.

Fadlabi transforms the wind shelters with colors, patterns, and calligraphy inspired by his Sudanese roots and its tradition of enhancing communal public infrastructures to honor the departed. The artist follows the Sudanese economy of means and intervenes in these shelters, a seasonal infrastructure with recreational significance for Luleå. He dedicates the artwork to his deceased mentor, Norwegian novelist Nils Amund Raknerud, extending this homage to all those who shelter from the wind, both literally and metaphorically. With the backdrop of wars in Sudan and worldwide, Fadlabi broadens the notion of shelter beyond physical protection, and as a civic responsibility toward each other and those who passed.

The artwork began to take shape already in mid-December, and is gradually concretizing through the addition of texts and patterns on the shelters. Read more about the artist and the Ice Road.

Contact Luleåbiennalen 2024

Victor Magnusson Hmelevskij
Communicator, Konstfrämjandet Norrbotten

Maria Ragnestam
Director, Konstfrämjandet Norrbotten

Subscribe to Luleåbiennalen’s newsletter here.

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Konstfrämjandet ser konst som ett sätt att tänka om sig själv och samhället. Tillsammans med konstnärer, deltagare och våra medlemmar ger vi andra perspektiv på vår samtid. Vi producerar och sprider konst över hela Sverige, genom nya konstverk, utställningar, böcker och möten.

Konstfrämjandet är en partipolitiskt obunden organisation som finns i hela landet och består av olika medlemsorganisationer och distrikt. Distrikten ser olika ut, men förenas i ett starkt konst- och samhällsintresse. Medlemmarna är olika folkrörelser, t ex studie- och fackförbund, och andra intresseorganisationer.

Vi är övertygade om bildningens och konstens roll, och vill att alla ska ha tillgång till konst i ett jämlikt samhälle.


Victor Magnusson Hmelevskij

Victor Magnusson Hmelevskij

Presskontakt Kommunikatör, Konstfrämjandet Norrbotten Hemsida Luleåbiennalen Hemsida Konstfrämjandet Norrbotten

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Vi ser konst som ett sätt att tänka om sig själv och samhället

Tillsammans med konstnärer, deltagare och våra medlemmar ger vi andra perspektiv på vår samtid. Vi producerar och sprider konst över hela Sverige, genom nya konstverk, utställningar, böcker och möten. Konstfrämjandet är en partipolitiskt obunden organisation som finns i hela landet och består av olika medlemsorganisationer och distrikt. Distrikten ser olika ut, men förenas i ett starkt konst- och samhällsintresse. Medlemmarna är olika folkrörelser, t ex studie- och fackförbund, och andra intresseorganisationer.
Vi är övertygade om bildningens och konstens roll, och vill att alla ska ha tillgång till konst i ett jämlikt samhälle.


Swedenborgsgatan 1
11848 Stockholm