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Museum Architecture, Collection, Knowledge Radical Thinking is a series of public lectures investigating new approaches to the contemporary art museum discussed by designers, curators and artists. The second lecture in the series, on Museum Collection, will be held by Frances Morris, Senior Curator at Tate Modern, London. Frances Morris is currently working on an entirely new display of the Tate Modern Collection due to be completed in May 2006. Monday 6th March 5pm The next lecture on the role of the museum in the production of new knowledge will take form of a screening and conversation between Stuart Comer, curator of film at Tate Modern and Marysia Lewandowska, professor at Konstfack. Thursday, April 6th. Location: Konstfack, Svarta Havet Lecture Theatre Telefonplan, Stockholm Organised by Institutionen for Konst in collaboration with the British Council Contact: Marysia.lewandowska@konstfack.se photo: chanceprojects.com Per Arne Hermansson Informationsansvarig Konstfack Tel. 08-450 41 14 / 070-850 15 40




Susanne Helgeson

Presskontakt Presskontakt 08-450 41 14

Konstfack är Sveriges största konstnärliga högskola inom konst, design och konsthantverk.

Konstfack är Sveriges största konstnärliga högskola inom konst, design och konsthantverk. Sedan 1844 har vi utbildat en mängd olika yrkesgrupper inom dessa fält samt bild- och slöjdlärare. Vi bedriver både konstnärlig och vetenskaplig utbildning/forskning och har idag cirka 1000 studenter och 200 anställda. www.konstfack.se
Konstfack is Sweden’s largest university for arts, crafts and design. Since 1844, we have educated a diverse range of professionals within these fields as well as art and sloyd teachers. We conduct both artistic and scientific education/research and currently have about 1000 students and 200 employees. www.konstfack.se


LM Ericssons väg 14
126 37 Hägersten