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Konstfack MFA student Fredrik Bjernelind selected to sound art conference Bruits/Noises

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Konstfack MFA student Fredrik Bjernelind selected to sound art conference Bruits/Noises

Fredrik Bjernelind's sound installation I Can no Longer Hear the Crickets has been selected to be part of the sound art conference Bruits/Noises, Paris within the framework of the transversal research program in sound arts at the Institut Acte in partnership with the Ens Louis-Lumière.

4 - 5 December 2014, Bruits/Noises at the Cité du Cinéma in Paris 

I Can no Longer Hear the Crickets
Sound installation, 2014

An acoustic space consisting of different frequencies of vibration in air. Some of these will be perceivable as sound by everyone hearing, others only by some, and yet others by no human being at all. The "ultrasonic" is not a fixed threshold, but varies with age and other individual factors. "Presbyacusis" is the medical term for age related hearing loss of the upper end of the sonic spectrum, and the cause behind the phenomenon of crickets turning silent for some people. Zarah Leander sings about this no longer audible singing in her "Sång om syrsor" (Song About the Crickets). But what is silence for one person could be noise for somebody else. This work is an attempt to listen to what one cannot hear.

About Bruits/Noises:
Certain environmental or “installationist” creations, along with certain performances or concerts, have thematized the question of noise, presenting it as the ambivalent aspect of music and of all sounds organized for communication and aesthetic pleasure. Noise, understood as the “sonic unformed,” in allusion to Georges Bataille (“Informe,” documents 7, December 1929), can thus have a performative value that amounts to preventing the “aesthetic” assimilation of the objects classified under that rubric by altering the grids and structures for the reception of exhibitions or shows. Noise is then the very symbol of the unformed, the unverifiable, the nonhierarchized.This conference will seek to determine its subjects and techniques, its forms, functions, and uses, including those within a culturally administered context, with a plural approach that reflects the plural usage in the title.The conference will be organized in half-days devoted to transversal themes that promote interdisciplinarity. The scholarly facet will be accompanied by exhibitions, performances, and workshops.

For more info, please contact fredrik.bjernelind@student.konstfack.se




Susanne Helgeson

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