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Stefan Persson, Chair of the Erling-Persson Foundation, and former CEO of H&M, and Stefan Forsberg, Executive and Artistic Director of the Stockholm Concert Hall Foundation and the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra. Photo: Nadja Sjöström
Stefan Persson, Chair of the Erling-Persson Foundation, and former CEO of H&M, and Stefan Forsberg, Executive and Artistic Director of the Stockholm Concert Hall Foundation and the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra. Photo: Nadja Sjöström

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Historically generous donation to Konserthuset Stockholm

Konserthuset Stockholm and the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra have received SEK 100 million (around 10 million USD) from the Erling-Persson Foundation – the largest donation the concert hall has ever received since it opened its doors almost 100 years ago.

The Foundation made the donation to support the wide-ranging artistic efforts of Konserthuset Stockholm and enable the investments the Stockholm Concert Hall Foundation wishes to make ahead of the concert hall’s 2026/2027 anniversary season. Konserthuset Stockholm has to be in sterling shape by the time it celebrates its centenary, with a programme of activities and events to suit visitors of all backgrounds and ages, from children and adolescents to adults.

During the 2026/2027 season, Konserthuset Stockholm will celebrate its 100th anniversary, while the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra will blow out 125 candles. The occasion will be marked in a suitably grand manner not just in Stockholm and Sweden, but also abroad, through Konserthuset Stockholm’s wide-ranging international network.

Stefan Persson, Chair of the Erling-Persson Foundation comments on the donation:

“Together, Konserthuset Stockholm and the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra have a long history of being one of our capital city’s most important places for different parts of society to meet and interact. The concert hall is a true architectural treasure of the 1920s. We need to protect and conserve this heritage to the very best of our abilities, so it may continue to enchant future generations. Here, children and young adults get to experience splendid music for free; people from different generations and different backgrounds can come together through musical experiences, forging new ties to last a lifetime.”

“We made this donation to help ensure Konserthuset Stockholm can be renovated and be in top shape on its upcoming anniversary, to the delight of all those who enjoy the wonderful concerts and events put on here every week. This is where the virtuosos of tomorrow get to meet today’s world elite, where newly composed music gets to encounter classical masterpieces, where children and adolescents get to experience music up close and become inspired by all the different instruments that make up an orchestra.”

Stefan Forsberg, Executive and Artistic Director of Konserthuset Stockholm:

“It was only thanks to the selfless support and passionate interest in culture of bold, forward-thinking entrepreneurs back in the early 1900s that Konserthuset Stockholm could ever be built, and the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra could give its very first concert. Now, almost a century later, we are deeply impressed by the way the Persson family contributes to the arts to ensure that this far-sightedness will continue to live on.”

“It is thanks to the Foundation’s donation and the yearly generous support of Region Stockholm that we get to show what human beings can accomplish when they decide to create something magical. Together, we can now make sure our heavenly blue concert hall and its fantastic offerings can continue to be a resplendent oasis in this city and offer new experiences, joy and comfort to audiences for decades to come!”


Konserthuset Play – Konserthusets filmkanal (länk öppnas i nytt fönster)


Tony Lundman

Presskontakt Redaktör +46 8 786 02 90

Hör passionen, möt känslorna, upplev magin

Konserthuset Stockholm är hemmet för en av Europas främsta symfoniorkestrar, Kungliga Filharmonikerna, och ägs av Stockholms Konserthusstiftelse. Visionen är att Konserthuset Stockholm ska vara ett av Europas mest nyskapande och tillgängliga konserthus, där utbudet präglas av högsta internationella kvalitet. Kungliga Filharmonikerna ska vara en av musikvärldens mest omtalade och respekterade orkestrar, ständigt uppmärksammad för sin höga kvalitet och musikaliska nyfikenhet.

Varje vecka under konsertsäsongen gästas Konserthuset Stockholm av det internationella musiklivets främsta artister i olika genrer. Här presenteras orkestermusik med Kungliga Filharmonikerna, familjekonserter, kammarmusik, jazz och världsmusik. Vi ger årligen uppemot 200 konserter i egen regi samt ett 40-tal konserter anordnade av externa arrangörer.

I samband med coronapandemin har satsningen på det digitala utbudet, som är gratis för alla, utökats avsevärt. Idag är den väletablerade streamingtjänsten Konserthuset Play en av de mest aktiva och ansedda kanalerna i branschen, både i Sverige och internationellt.

Konserthuset Stockholm / Kungliga Filharmonikerna

Hötorget 8