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Responsible Sourcing & Supply Chain Sustainability; Who’s responsibility is it really?

“Responsible sourcing”

Go ahead, copy and paste that into

The results will look an awful lot like this screen this….

Of course the results are partially dependent upon your location and prior search history, because Google uses complex search-algorithms to assure information is individualized to the user, but that’s not the point of this exercise or post.


Your search results are most likely filled with page, upon page, upon page of different companies’ responsible sourcing strategies on their websites.

But, why?

Well, there are many reasons why companies search for the spotlight of sustainable brand association, and having webpages to describe their methods, technological enhancement and core values for sourcing materials and products responsibly is a brand communication.

Simply put though, they are catering to your growing demands: the customer, the user, the stakeholder.

Sourcing has become an area of increasing focus for procurement teams globally. Sourcing has become a differentiator of the brands that create success through sustainability, and those who fade to the background of popular acceptance.

Just as many activities, present in supply chain management, responsible sourcing of materials requires a complex network of moving parties to collaborate in harmony in order for it to be done ‘responsibly’.

Bringing us back to the reasoning behind why responsible sourcing strategies are posted to the websites of the world’s largest brand names, and some of your first results when searching ‘responsible sourcing’.

Organizations know the risk involved in sourcing materials in a responsible, sustainable and ethical manner, and they want to assure you (the stakeholders) that they’re trying their darndest to manage those risks, and provide customers (you) with sustainable and quality products.

What is responsible sourcing really?

Traditionally speaking, “[…] the supply chain has been driven by the requirements and buying practices of the brand — priority is often price and the importance on remaining competitive and fast to market” ( 2015).

Sourcing has historically been a activity of differentiation or competitive edge by sourcing to produce a product for a cost efficient bottom-line that could sell faster, and better, and cheaper, than the competition; improving top-line value with little regard for the bridges burnt on the path to success.


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  • Finance


  • responsible sourcing
  • news
  • trends
  • sustainability
  • supply chain management
  • supply chain
  • supplier relationship management
  • environment
  • business


Sam Jenks

Press contact Communications Lead Communications and Marketing 0703644132

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