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4 Easy Ways to create ROI from Supplier Relationship Management!

Suppliers are an incredible source of innovation, value and profitability. Aligning your procurement and sourcing organization with the right suppliers, from the start, can be an incredible value driver for your overall organization.

Supplier relationship management enhances collaboration, helps locate key suppliers, reduces supply chain risks, increases the chance of supplier-enabled innovation, aids supplier performance evaluation, and can show a hefty return on investment.

Are you prepared to see an ROI from SRM?

What can you expect in this eBook?

- Background understanding of SRM in practice
- 4 Key Benefits from SRM

- Information for creating collaborative innovation w/ suppliers

- Workflow for evaluating and structuring supplier performance management


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  • Business enterprise


  • supply chain management
  • supplier relationship management
  • business


Sam Jenks

Press contact Communications Lead Communications and Marketing 0703644132

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