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The People of Procurement: the Unseen Champions of your Business

As business professionals, we all know there is an enormous team effort that goes into the success of any/every business around the world.

Whether it is your local hair salon, a global construction company, a bulk super-store, or even Amazon’s cashierless store, there is a lot of human-created collaboration, strategy, operations and hours put into motion in a successful business.

In a world facing the disruptions of technology, shifting consumer-demands and shifts from traditional business models, it’s easy to overlook the individuals who are out there on the frontlines, every single day.

As automation and robotics breath down the neck of our global population, it’s hard to stop and appreciate the work that’s being done ‘here and now’, rather than worrying about the ‘what’s to be’.

I admit it, I’m guilty of romanticizing coming disruption, but reality often reigns in the dreamer inside of me.

Procurement is amongst some of the most rapidly changing business areas, and maybe for the better. Only time will tell if the coming digital transformation of various business areas, just like procurement, will make for positive outcomes. But, in the meantime, there is still a large population of procurement professionals, strapping up their boots every morning, and doing their darndest.

You, the strategic sourcing champion!

You, the almighty buyer!

You, the inquisitive purchasing analyst!

You, the quality management wizards!

You are the future of procurement. Regardless of the coming technological disruptions, you are the engine behind your company’s success. Technology is simply the vessel in which your competencies are able to shine through!

As Marketing Lead at Kodiak Rating, I’ve met, provided software for, and worked alongside, of a plethora of brilliant procurement professionals who understand what the path towards the future of procurement looks like. But, they all humbly respect that the path towards the future includes a steep learning curve, and a shift in structure and strategy.

Today, procurement controls the majority of spends in most organizations, is responsible for a plethora of product innovation, is facing a rapid adoption of technological advancements and remains one of the most crucial business areas for impacting a company’s bottom and top-line.

These are exciting times for procurement, and if you’re not excited about it you might want to check your pulse, because I’d doubt you’re still breathing.

This is: The People of Procurement: The unseen champions of your business.


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  • Computers, computer technology, software


  • purchasing
  • procurement
  • supplier relationship management
  • business


Sam Jenks

Press contact Communications Lead Communications and Marketing 0703644132

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