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Part of the design team at Knightec
Part of the design team at Knightec

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Make real impact by applying design at the right time

Somehow, the word design is still often only considered to be something decorative and therefore something that can be applied at the end of a process to beautify the result. Design is also often considered to be something “fluffy”: something difficult to fully describe and understand. Design can definitely be both decorative and fluffy but if we limit ourselves to this, we are missing the huge benefits of how design can make a real impact.

Design is both a structured methodology as well as a tool to make products and systems understandable and efficient to use. The foundation of design methodology is to start with the user and look at things from their perspective: a user-centric approach. What are the actual needs of the user? How does the user interpret things? Once we have understood this, it is a lot easier to make solutions that create value for all involved. This is why it should be done right from the start.

If we fully understand the user, we will know what products or services are really needed and thus avoid wasting time on unnecessary solutions. If we understand how the user thinks, we can easier guide the user to make the right decisions at the right time. That way we save time, minimize the risks, and create happy experiences.

We can summarize the process in 5 stages.

1. Empathize

Who is the user? What are their needs and challenges? How do they think/act/feel?

2. Define

What is the problem statement? What are we trying to solve, why and for whom?

3. Ideate

Based on the problem statement, what solutions can we make from this?

4. Prototype

Make something tangible to be able to test the ideas. This could be either be a physical or digital prototype.

5. Test

See how it is received by the user.

What happens next depends on the results from the test. If the idea works well, we can then continue in the process of implementing the discovered solution. However, if we find that the solution does not work, we need to iterate the solution and loop back to an earlier step. Sometimes smaller tweaks are enough but other times the concept needs to be reconsidered altogether to ensure success. Happy user = happy business.
The benefits of design work are often measurable and not as fluffy as some might think. If we, for example, create a product or system that is easy to understand and use, we will be able to measure how the efficiency has gone up. This can be an internal system that some people use every day. Even small changes to how the system works and looks can alter how quickly tasks are completed or how many errors are made.

Say that you have a company with 100 people. Every day the employees use your internal system to fill in a report. This takes 20 min for each person to do, meaning around 33 hours a day is spent on this in your company (670 hours a month, 8000 hours a year). So, if we improve this user interaction and reduce the time to fill in the report with a half... you quickly see how much time can be saved. This can also reduce stress and frustration. Happy employees = Happy company.

During product development, aside from creating happy users by improving the outcome of the project, the agile design process can also be a clear way to reduce costs. Not only by lowering the risk of having to re-do large parts but also by making adjustments when the solution is still a prototype and therefore easier and cheaper to change. When it comes to finished products and services, a happy user experience will lead to an increase in conversions and sales. In other words, measurable improvements and nothing fluffy.

We cannot, however, beautify something at the end to achieve all this. Successful design work is not a make-up that can transform an ill-fitted beast. It needs to be incorporated right from the start to really make an impact. Applied at the right time, design has the possibility to make the work more efficient, guide us to producing successful products, and enable us to live happier lives!

Knightec has the competence and experience of being a partner that can aid the work within design whether it is about finding the direction for a successful solution or improving usability for increased efficiency or compliance. Get in touch if you want to know more about how we work with user-centered design or in what way this could benefit you and your work.


Linn Eld is a Design and User Experience Designer at Knightec with good experience in both research and design of physical and digital interactions mainly within the Automotive and Medtech industries. Educated industrial design engineer and has a large interest in the areas where the physical meets the digital in innovative solutions.

Emil Axelsson is a Senior UX Consultant at Knightec, and with experience in UI and Service Design as well. Educated in the Hyper Island way and has been working abroad for several years, creating user-centric digital solutions and services for a broad range of different industries on the international market. Experienced in working both in a start-up environment as well as for big corporations.




Anna Lindstrand

Anna Lindstrand

Business Unit Manager Daresay 070-741 46 33
Evi Gerogiannakis

Evi Gerogiannakis

Regional Manager Technology East 073-4427163

The Soul of Digitalization

Knightec är ett tjänsteföretag med industriell och digital expertis fokuserat på att förbättra människors liv genom innovativa och hållbara lösningar. Vi utmanar oss själva och våra kunder att tänka i nya banor och prova det ännu oprövade, tillsammans i engagerade team byggda på tillit och långsiktighet. Våra medarbetare utgår från 12 orter i landet och samverkar dagligen för att skapa de bästa lösningarna för våra kunder. Mer än en tredjedel av våra medarbetare är kvinnor och vi är fler än 30 olika nationaliteter med en strävan att bli ännu fler.


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