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Digital mailbox Kivra strengthens its position as market leader in Sweden by acquiring Brevo

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Digital mailbox Kivra strengthens its position as market leader in Sweden by acquiring Brevo

Swedish digital mailbox Kivra strengthens its position as market leader on the market for digital postal mail in Sweden by acquiring its competitor Brevo. When the two digital mailboxes have been fully integrated, there will be one digital mailbox in Sweden with over half a million users.

Brevo was first to launch a digital mailbox in Sweden in March 2011. Shortly after the niche service Kreditkopia launched, which became the foundation for what today is Kivra. Kivra launched its digital mailbox in January this year. Together, the two companies have attracted over half a million Swedes to activate their digital mailbox. Over time, the aim is to digitize all 'snail mail'. The digitization of window envelopes means an annual saving of about 350,000 trees only in Sweden and reduced emissions from all transportation, while at the same time simplifying users everyday lives as they gradually can move the mailbox to a mobile, tablet or computer.

- The merger of Kivra and Brevo gives us over half a million users and more senders will be added to our service. This will clearly have a positive impact on the market, says Stefan Krook CEO of Kivra. This agreement is a milestone in the continuous development of a digital postal mail market in Sweden.

- Now it's a race to get as many users as possible connected to one digital mailbox and by this acquisition it emerges a market leader with a critical amount of users. The acquisition also means that Metaforce (the company that developed the technology platform for Brevo) can take a leading position as an intermediary service for digital mailboxes, which requires independence from the digital mailboxes, says Björn Junge, CEO of Metaforce.

Facts about the deal:
Kivra in Sweden AB acquires 100% of Brevo AB. The two services will remain separate for now. Integration of Brevos senders is expected to begin during the fall. Brevo-users is expected to be transferred to Kivras service during the first half of 2014.

For more information please contact:
Stefan Krook, CEO of Kivra
Mobile: +4670-111 12 13
E-mail: stefan.krook@kivra.com

Björn Junge, CEO of Metaforce
Mobile: +4670-575 34 51
E-mail: bjorn.junge@metaforce.se

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About Kivra
In Sweden, approximately one billion window envelopes are sent each year, this has a negative impact on the environment. Kivra is a secure digital mailbox where you can receive, manage and store mail that you usually get in the physical mailbox, directly in your smartphone. Kivra is free of charge for the users, as secure as your online banking account and also good for the environment!

Kivra consists of a dedicated and talented team. Board and management come from senior positions in pioneer companies such as Klarna, Glocalnet, TAT, Qbranch, HP.


Henrik Höglin

Henrik Höglin

Presskontakt Kommunikationschef 073 518 18 93

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Swedish startup Kivra launches an app and a responsive web service that allows Swedes to start receive, manage and store postal mail in their smartphones.

A survey by TNS Sifo, commissioned by the Swedish postal service, shows that 84% of the Swedish population want to be able to choose how to receive communication from companies, organizations and governments. With a rapidly growing number of smartphone users, the Swedish startup Kivra launches an app and a responsive web service that allows Swedes to start receive postal mail in their smartphones.

En bättre plats för dina viktigheter

Kivra är en plats där du kan samla dina viktigheter. Brev, fakturor, kvitton och annat – som du annars hade haft i pärmar, byxfickor eller i olika pappershögar. Säkert, tillgängligt och bra för miljön. Kivra ägs av 41an Invest (Karl-Johan Persson och Stefan Krook), FAM (Wallenbergstiftelserna), styrelse och personal. Läs mer på kivra.se


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