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Interview with Kivras UX guru Ludvig Linge

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Interview with Kivras UX guru Ludvig Linge

“Kivra - BIG disruption - postal mail...” The scandinavian tech start-up blog gamechange.se recently published an interview with Kivras UX guru Ludvig Linge.

“We met up with Ludvig Linge to discuss Kivra. There has been much talk about this start-up for some obvious reasons. One major reason – it’s the home of a super exiting team: Robert Wahlström (former business development at Klarna), Ted Elvhage (sales guru and co-founder at Stockholms Affärsänglar), Stefan Krook (Founder of Glocalnet, GodEl etc) and Ludvig Linge (previously at the Astonishing Tribe, acquired by Blackberry).”

Watch the interview below

About gamechange.se 
“We are a blog that discuses tech growth with the different actors in the Scandinavian tech eco-system. We are immensely proud to be part of a scene that continues to give birth to companies such as Spotify, Chatter, iZettle, Stardoll – just to name a few. One of the things that excites us are the dynamic -and often quite extreme – individuals that spearhead growth, pushing their visions for new solutions.

Who are we? We are entrepreneurs with a background in different tech start-ups. We ask start-up questions.

What’s you’re stake in this? First of all to participate and comment – give us questions, names of favorite founders, VC’s,  and we’ll put them in front of the camera. If you think a channel like this is important for Scandinavian tech growth – subscribe, like our facebook-page, dialogue with us at G+. Push the name, go hollering in the streets, phone your best friends, your mom and your favorite teacher. You get the picture  - we need your help to get the flywheel spinning! : )”

About Kivra

In Sweden, approximately one billion window envelopes are sent each year, this has a negative impact on the environment. Kivra is a secure digital mailbox where you can receive, manage and store mail that you usually get in the physical mailbox, directly in your smartphone. Kivra is free of charge for the users, as secure as your online banking account and also good for the environment!

Kivra consists of a dedicated and talented team. Board and management come from senior positions in pioneer companies such as Klarna, Glocalnet, TAT, Qbranch, HP.




Henrik Höglin

Henrik Höglin

Presskontakt Kommunikationschef 073 518 18 93

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En bättre plats för dina viktigheter

Kivra är en plats där du kan samla dina viktigheter. Brev, fakturor, kvitton och annat – som du annars hade haft i pärmar, byxfickor eller i olika pappershögar. Säkert, tillgängligt och bra för miljön. Kivra ägs av 41an Invest (Karl-Johan Persson och Stefan Krook), FAM (Wallenbergstiftelserna), styrelse och personal. Läs mer på kivra.se


Klara Norra Kyrkogatan 33
111 22 Stockholm