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Press invitation: UN Sustainable Energy Investment expert Eric Usher at Scandinavia’s foremost cleantech investment day.

Eric Usher, at the United Nations' Sustainable Energy Finance Initiative, is one of two prime key note speakers at the Stockholm Cleantech Venture Day in Kista Science City this year. He will speak on the subject of new ways to foster innovation by means of financing emerging markets and resillient technologies.

Journalists will have the opportunity to meet Eric Usher and other Key Note speakers, the presenting cleantech companies and the decision makers at the pressroom during the conference.

Date: Thursday, September 30th, 09:00 PM – 08:30 AM.
Venue: Kista Science Tower, Färögatan 33, Stockholm/Kista, Sweden

Application for accreditation required no later than September 23.

Media inquiries and registration:
Carin Balfe Arbman, Media & Press at Stockholm Cleantech Venture Day, mobile: +46-70-633 35 08.   

For a full list of Key Note speakers and the programme please visit

For more information about the event contact:
Magnus Rehn, STING (Stockholm Innovation & Growth, +46 705 12 05 48


STING (Stockholm Innovation and Growth) and Kista Science City AB powered by KIC InnoEnergy have joined forces to co-organise Stockholm Cleantech Venture Day 2010, which will be held in Kista Science City on September 30th .


  • Företagande


  • cleantech
  • entreprenör
  • innovation
  • investeringar
  • kista science city
  • miljöteknik


  • Stockholm

Kista Science City AB: Our aim is to help you to establish your business in Kista Science City. We achieve this in part by offering strong support to innovation and new growth companies. And also through marketing and information about the advantages of Kista Science City, its business community and leading position. KSC AB coordinates all the robust networks that constitute the engine of Kista Science City's ecosystem for growth. Several annual events and meetings are also arranged for key people in industry, academia and research. We are a natural part of one of the most interesting areas in Europe: Stockholm the Capital of Scandinavia.


Johan Ödmark

Presskontakt VD Stiftelsen Electrum / Kista Science City AB +46707811970

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Press invitation: Stockholm Cleantech Venture Day, September 30, 2010

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