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Topics: Environment, Energy

Lessebo Paper, Livonia Print and Bonnier Books launches Livonia Recycled by Lessebo Paper: a new milestone in sustainable paper production

Lessebo Paper, Livonia Print and Bonnier Books launches Livonia Recycled by Lessebo Paper: a new milestone in sustainable paper production

Lessebo Paper, Livonia Print and Bonnier Books have cooperated for some years with the objective of reducing the environmental impact of book production. The cooperation resulted in in the launch of “Livonia Zero Offset by Lessebo Paper” in the beginning of 2023. Today, a new product is launched – “Livonia Recycled by Lessebo Paper” produced from unprinted paper waste from Livonia Print.

EUR 9m green bond issue for Recap Energy has been successfully completed with JOOL as corporate finance advisor

EUR 9m green bond issue for Recap Energy has been successfully completed with JOOL as corporate finance advisor

The green bond issue was well received by the market and once again shows the increasing interest in green investments
Recap Energy AB (publ) is a Swedish renewable energy project developer offering solar-PV and Battery Energy Storage Solutions. Recap has operations in 6 different markets where they have developed 34,8 MW and signed an additional 416 MW of contracts across its business areas.

Patriam issues first Swedish bond Certified green under the Climate Bonds Standard

Patriam Invest has issued first Swedish bond certified green by the Climate Bonds Initiative

In late 2020, Swedish property developer Patriam Invest initiated a SEK 400 million corporate bond issue to finance its business. Following the issue, Patriam has developed a green bond framework that successfully obtained Certification under the Climate Bonds Standard as of June 15. The bond constitutes the first Swedish bond issue to be Certified green under the Climate Bonds Standard.

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About the JOOL Group

The JOOL Group is a family owned corporate group, rooted in Swedish industrial tradition. With our main activities in the financial services, paper, timber and tech industries, our passion is entrepreneurship – both our own and that of others. Our philosophy is to be active and long term owners, developing businesses through a combination of entrepreneurial spirit and common sense.

JOOL Group
JOOL Group

Södra Hamngatan 19-21
41114 Göteborg