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Product Designer launches new concept to promote offline one-on-one communication.

Amanda Ames started "Light Coversation" as a project. After noticing that her social networking address list had grown, she decided to define the term 'friends'. " I did a scan and filtered everyone on the list. The results were shocking. Of my entire 626 friends, I only considered 34 of them to be actual friends".This became the starting point to return to the roots of having actual meetings.
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Innehållet får laddas ner, användas och delas i olika mediekanaler av t.ex. journalister, bloggare, krönikörer, opinionsbildare etc., i syftet att förmedla, redogöra för och kommentera ert pressmeddelande, inlägg eller information, så länge innehållet används oförändrat och i dess helhet. Upphovsmannen ska anges i den omfattning och på det sätt god sed kräver (vilket bl.a. innebär att fotografer till bilder nästan alltid måste anges).
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Product Designer launches new concept to promote offline one-on-one communication.

Amanda Ames started "Light Coversation" as a project. After noticing that her social networking address list had grown, she decided to define the term 'friends'. " I did a scan and filtered everyone on the list. The results were shocking. Of my entire 626 friends, I only considered 34 of them to be actual friends".This became the starting point to return to the roots of having actual meetings.