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Kom och lär av Derek Melber, Microsoft MVP Active Directory, på MEA 2014

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Kom och lär av Derek Melber, Microsoft MVP Active Directory, på MEA 2014

Derek Melber, Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) på Active Directory och Group Policy ansluter som föreläsare på ManageEngine Användarkonferens 2014. Här ger han en introduktion till vad han kommer prata om under konferensen och varför du inte får missa detta unika tillfälle!

Tired of trying to track down Active Directory issues and changes? You know that too many people have the ability to change Active Directory and therefore they do! Microsoft has both Auditing and Advanced Auditing built into Windows and Active Directory to help you track every change that occurs to every object in Active Directory. That is right... it is there and free! 

Of course, nothing is free! In this case, it is still free, just not all that useful from a troubleshooting and monitoring stand point. The logs are too small to store enough information. The logs are spread out to every domain controller, and not centralized or replicated. The events generated are highly confusing and hard to read. There is no way to consolidate the events to see trends, find exact changes, or analyze the information for normal use. 

So, what are you to do? Let me, Derek Melber Group Policy and Active Directory MVP, show you how to setup auditing and implement a solution that will give you all that the Event Viewer is missing... and even more! I will be in at the ManageEngine User Conference (MEA 2014) October 1 and 2, solely to help you solve issues like these! 

Derek kommer hålla dessa föredrag under MEA 2014:

Dag 1:

  • Top 5 Security Settings for Active Directory (key note)

Dag 2:

  • Monitoring Active Directory Changes Efficiently and Precisely (workshop)

  • Delegation of Active Directory Tasks and Functions (workshop)

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ManageEngine Användarkonferens 2014

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