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Counter-radicalization efforts has become part and parcel of the counter-terrorism strategies. Yet it remains unknown as to whether they are at all effective. New report examines the efforts.
Counter-radicalization efforts has become part and parcel of the counter-terrorism strategies. Yet it remains unknown as to whether they are at all effective. New report examines the efforts.

Nyhet -

Counterradicalization Interventions. A Review of the Evidence

Counter-radicalization has become part and parcel of the counter-terrorism strategies of virtually every western nation. Yet despite the rapid diffusion of interventions, and the significant investment in them, there continues to be a dearth of evaluations. Even with some policies, practices and programs in place for close to two decades, it remains unknown as to whether they are targeting appropriate risk and protective factors, and whether they are at all effective.

In a new report, Counter-Radicalization Interventions. A review of the evidence, Michael Wolfowicz, David Weisburd and Badi Hasisi examine counter-radicalization strategies and interventions funded by governments or carried out under their auspices in democratic countries. It maps out the risk and protective factors specified and identify the degree to which they are evidence-based.

Welcome to a seminar where the report will be presented and discussed by the authors and a distinguished panel consisting of Jeppe Albers, Nordic Safe Cities, Dr. Lorne Dawson, University of Waterloo and Camilla Salazar, Fryshuset. The discussion will be moderated by professor Jerzy Sarnecki.

When: March 3rd, 3.00-4.15 pm (CET)
Where: Online

Register here to receive a link to the seminar

Find the report here

The report is a part of the project "Violent threats and internal security", funded by MSB and Public Safety Canada.




Henric Karlsson

Henric Karlsson

Presskontakt Kommunikatör 072 080 23 77
Erika Karlsson

Erika Karlsson

Presskontakt Kommunikatör 08-402 12 36

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Institutet för Framtidsstudier är en fristående statlig forskningsstiftelse med rötter i 1970-talet. Vi tar med vetenskapliga metoder fram kunskapsunderlag om de stora framtidsfrågorna och verkar för en offentlig framtidsdebatt. Vårt aktuella forskningsprogram omfattar fem teman som handlar om framtida generationer, demokrati för det tjugoförsta århundradet, nya teknologier och mänsklighetens framtid, diskriminering, sexism och rasism, samt jämlikhet. Hos oss ryms också sekretariatet för det globala forskarnätverket World Values Survey.

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